Ship cats were integral members of a ship’s crew in the 18th century, helping to control rodents and vermin that may have sneaked aboard prior to departure. Did you catch the cat on board?

There are many historical figures we see throughout the season-Simon Fraser, Benedict Arnold, General John Burgoyne-all wearing different types of uniforms…
It’s been very interesting researching these figures and looking at how slightly different the officers were to one another. We relied on paintings, books, people’s diaries, tailor purchase orders and so forth to know what they were wearing but it’s been quite good fun introduction little differences while still keeping them within the regiment or rules.
Trisha Biggar, Costume Designer
Historical Figures
Speaking of historical figures, Daniel Morgan was famously court-martialed and sentenced to 500 lashes in 1756 for assaulting a British Lieutenant. Legend has it that the drummer counting lashes miscounted, resulting in Morgan receiving 499, a tale he told time and time again.

The Continental Army was scrappy even with uniforms. Said Costume Designer Trisha Biggar, “A lot of uniforms were taken off dead bodies and reused. Quite a lot of American uniforms came to be that way. Red coats were redyed, then utilized again by the other side.”
Even the buttons on Outlander are historically accurate! The costume team sourced authentic reproductions from a company that uses casts of real buttons found on Saratoga’s battlefields to create replicas.
Breymann’s Redoubt
The construction team wanted to build Breymann’s Redoubt for the Second Battle of Saratoga as it would have been back in the 18th century. To achieve a rugged look, they opted for manual tools which provided rough and irregular cuts vs. the clean cuts of today’s electric tools.

Here are some early sketches of the redoubt by the Production Design team:

We see the Oneida for the first time in the fight at the redoubt. Unlike the majority of the Iroquois, the Oneida sided with the Americans. Consultants Robert C. Brown and Carter King provided production with invaluable cultural and historical information concerning the Oneida.
Nearly all Oneida make-up was either black or red. Graphite, hematite, and coal were ground to form black pigments while red ochre from earthen clays containing hematite would form red pigments. Below are some common Haudenosaunee face paint patterns provided by Carter King:

Young Ian
Young Ian swoops in at the very last minute to save his Uncle Jamie (he’s become a pro)! Here’s a look at the sketch for his fierce new battle look.

Acting out the action you see on screen is just as fun as it looks. Here’s what John Bell had to say:

Rachel’s practical but elegant looks continue to win me over. This particular look is seen in both Episodes 705 and 708.

Trisha Biggar’s Favorite Look from Season 7
What was Costume Designer Trisha Biggar’s favorite look from Season 7, Part 1? While she admitted all costumes are “favorites at one point or another,” she has a soft spot for Claire and Jamie’s travel jackets as seen on the deck of the ship to Scotland. Same, Trisha, same.

Ship cats were integral members of a ship’s crew in the 18th century, helping to control rodents and vermin that may have snuck aboard prior to departure. Did you catch the cat on board?
Keep the Tent Flap Opened
After Simon Fraser dies, Jamie instructs the British to keep the tent flaps open. 18th century Scots (Highlanders, in particular) were very superstitious and believed all windows and doors were to be opened in order for the soul of the deceased to depart to their resting place.