Casting News. Meet the Christies!

Meet Malva, Tom and Allan Christie! Check out the videos below…

Tom Christie will be played by Mark Lewis Jones (Gangs of London). Tom is the head of the Christie family, father to Allan and Malva. Tom was a prisoner of Ardsmuir along with Jamie. Old tensions continue when the devout Protestant brings his family to Fraser’s Ridge to settle.

Malva Christie will be played by Jessica Reynolds (The Curse of Audrey Earnshaw). Malva is Tom’s lively daughter who quickly becomes captivated by Claire’s medical work and slips into an apprenticeship under the Fraser matriarch. But Malva’s fascination with Claire’s modern mindset could get her into hot water with a conservative father like Tom.

Allan Christie will be played by Alexander Vlahos (Versailles). Allan is both headstrong and wary of strangers, his protective side is reserved for his family as they move into the unfamiliar environment that is Fraser’s Ridge.