What is your kilt rating for 716 A Hundred Thousand Angels

716. Give your Kilt Rating…

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What is your kilt rating for 715 Written in My Own Heart’s Blood

715. Give your Kilt Rating…

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What is your kilt rating for 714 Ye Dinna Get Used to It

714. Give your Kilt Rating…

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What is your kilt rating for 713 Hello, Goodbye

713. Give your Kilt Rating…

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What is your kilt rating for 712 Carnal Knowledge

712. Give your Kilt Rating…

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What is your kilt rating for 711 A Hundredweight of Stones

711. Give your Kilt Rating…

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What is your kilt rating for 710 Brotherly Love

710. Give your Kilt Rating…

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What is your kilt rating for 709 Unfinished Business

709. Give your Kilt Rating…

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Live Viewer Rating for 708 Turning Points

Season 7a is over and now begins the wait for Season 7b. The live viewer numbers for 708 Turning Points is 0.33 million viewers. That’s live and as we all know it doesn’t include app viewing, encore performances, or the midnight viewing. I wish they’d release those numbers but I think despite Outlander ending with season eight, it has been a big money maker at Starz.

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What is your kilt rating for 708 Turning Points

What is your kilt rating for 708. Turning Points?

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What is your kilt rating for 707 A Practical Guide for Time-Travelers

What is your kilt rating for 707. A Practical Guide for Time-Travelers?

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What is your kilt rating for 706 Where the Waters Meet

What is your kilt rating for 706. Where the Waters Meet?

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What is your kilt rating for 705 Singapore?

What is your kilt rating for 705. Singapore?

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What is your kilt rating for 704 A Most Uncomfortable Woman

What is your kilt rating for 704. A Most Uncomfortable Woman?

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What is your kilt rating for 703 Death Be Not Proud

What is your kilt rating for 703. “Death Be Not Proud”

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What is your kilt rating for 702 ‘The Happiest Place on Earth?’

What is your kilt rating for 702. “The Happiest Place on Earth?”

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What is your kilt rating for 701 ‘A Life Well Lost’?

What is your kilt rating for 701. “A Life Well Lost?”

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Live Viewer Ratings for 607 Sticks and Stones

Not the best episode of this season ratings wise but I’m going to assume people who normally do the live viewer thing either watched the early midnight release or an encore performance because from the hype it doesn’t seem like anyone missed this episode.

Below find the episodes in order of their rating. I think this is the norm now for live viewership versus the streaming. Again, I wish we could see those numbers.

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Outlander Season 5 was the most watched season of Outlander

Remember all those “live” viewer ratings we shared? Well, as suspected they meant very little in the grand scheme of things. I wondered and my suspicions were confirmed. Matt took to Twitter before the finale to thank fans for making Season 5 the most watched season of Outlander. Wow. We are an impressive bunch.

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