Updated 8/6/2014 Outlander Episode 101: Sassenach – The Gàidhlig Bits I Could Decipher

So in spite of being at the San Diego premiere and also attending an advanced screening of Outlander Episode 101 last Wednesday, I was also one of the many Outlanders who tuned into Starz at 12:01 August 2 to watch the first Outlander episode yet again. On my initial viewing of the episode titled “Sassenach”, I was only able to pick out a couple of words of the Gàidhlig dialogue. However, after several more viewings (more than 5 but less than 10, but who’s counting?), I have come up with the following list of Gàidhlig I believe I have been able to understand. There is absolutely no guarantee that it is correct and I am quite sure some of the grammar is likely incorrect.  🙂 For words that I could find audio pronunciation files, I have linked them.

Continue ReadingUpdated 8/6/2014 Outlander Episode 101: Sassenach – The Gàidhlig Bits I Could Decipher

10 Reasons You Should Watch Outlander

The other day, a Variety reporter wrote an article about 12 cable shows that are coming out this year. (I wouldn’t click on the link only because it’ll increase her page views and that’s not the idea I want to give. Just keep reading.)

One of the shows on her list was “Outlander”, a highly anticipated show that will hopefully turn into multiple seasons. Instead of trying to sell her readers into tuning in, she managed to insult them. According to Saval, the author of the article, she describes it: “This new series is based on the internationally bestselling novels by Diana Gabaldon that bored middle-age housewives have been going absolutely bananas over.”

Continue Reading10 Reasons You Should Watch Outlander