Outlander Season 7: What to expect – NO SPOILERS

Obviously, we are expecting to find out what happens to Claire but what else? It was such a disappointment to find out that season six wouldn’t be twelve episodes (just 8) but with COVID, Cait’s pregnancy, and a strike in the UK; what could they do? Thankfully, Starz is going to make it up to us by adding those missing four episodes to the season seven line up. Yep, season seven will be sixteen episodes long. That’s like season one in all it’s glory. I mean the idea is magnificent but how long will we be in droughtlander for that? No idea. But we will wait because we soooo want more.

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Outlander Season 7 has begun filming

It’s official. Season 7 has begun filming. I’m thinking that means a much smaller droughtlander. Thank goodness.

I’ve heard fans worrying about Outlander not getting an eighth season but I’m not that concerned. We can’t really reference the live viewer ratings as that is all they are and how many of you stream? Streamers aren’t contributing to that number and we aren’t privy to the streaming numbers.

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Outlander Season 5 was the most watched season of Outlander

Remember all those “live” viewer ratings we shared? Well, as suspected they meant very little in the grand scheme of things. I wondered and my suspicions were confirmed. Matt took to Twitter before the finale to thank fans for making Season 5 the most watched season of Outlander. Wow. We are an impressive bunch.

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