According to the Writer’s Guild of America West the episode titles for Season 7 Part B are as follows:
709. Unfinished Business written by Barbara Stepansky
710. Brotherly Love written by Luke Schelhaas
711. A Hundredweight of Stones written by Sarah H. Haught
712. Carnal Knowledge written by Toni Graphia
713. The Raven and the Dove by Madeline Brestal & Evan McGahey
714. Ye Dinna Get Used to It by Diana Gabaldon
715. Written in My Own Heart’s Blood by Danielle Berrow
716. A Hundred Thousand Angels by Matthew B. Roberts & Toni Graphia
WGA says Camal Knowledge but I’m pretty sure they didn’t mean that as Carnal Knowledge is a chapter title.
I’m super excited to see so many book chapter titles though admittedly these are the books I’ve read the least. I mean think about these titles in context of what we’ve seen in the show already. Brotherly Love is the one that sticks out because there are some brothers in this show. Young Ian is a brother coming home to Lallybroch. Then there is Jamie’s good brother Ian (his brother-in-law). Or Jamie himself coming home to Lallybroch to see Jenny. But then there is also William and Bree. I mean we left off with them going to Scotland so maybe something in Scotland.
The Raven and the Dove I don’t know about but the raven part reminds me about when Jenny was giving birth to Young Ian and the ravens were at the gates.
Obviously, Written in My Own Heart’s Blood is one of her book titles so maybe this is about where we delve into that book?
I just can’t wait but alas I have too. More to come when we have an air date.