It’s the new William

The powers that be over at Outlander have cast William Ransom better known to us as Willie Jamie’s biological son who has been raised by Lord John. Welcome Charles Vandervaart to the Outlander family.

Charles looked a little familiar so when I realized I’d just seem him on Lost In Space, I was a little excited. I mean he wasn’t my favorite part of that show and he wasn’t a big character there but I loved knowing someone from another favorite show of mine was going to be a big presence in Outlander. If you haven’t watched Lost In Space you are missing out.

You can find out more of what Charles has been up to at IMDB or his Instagram page.

Raised by his stepfather, Lord John Grey (David Berry), William, the ninth Earl of Ellesmere, arrives in Wilmington full of patriotic zeal and enthusiasm to join the British Army and help put an end to the escalating tensions in the American Colonies. On the surface, William is a courteous aristocrat but simmering under the surface is a Highlander’s fire.

The character of William, Jamie’s biological son who is unaware of his parentage, made his series debut in Season 3.