Obviously, we are expecting to find out what happens to Claire but what else? It was such a disappointment to find out that season six wouldn’t be twelve episodes (just 8) but with COVID, Cait’s pregnancy, and a strike in the UK; what could they do? Thankfully, Starz is going to make it up to us by adding those missing four episodes to the season seven line up. Yep, season seven will be sixteen episodes long. That’s like season one in all it’s glory. I mean the idea is magnificent but how long will we be in droughtlander for that? No idea. But we will wait because we soooo want more.
So firstly, as I said, we need to wrap up what happened to Claire and book six. We aren’t out of A Breath of Snow and Ashes yet so we really need to move that along. I won’t say what has to happens but the few things we need to see are the resolution to Claire’s imprisonment and charges (SHE DIDN’T DO IT. I SWEAR!). We also need to know who killed Malva. I mean seriously people, who killed Malva? Also, I suggest if you are just a TV show watcher and do not want to be spoiled do not go looking for articles about the show or season seven because too many give the whole thing away and frankly that is maddening. Yes, we book readers know it all and to some degree that is such a disadvantage. I know what will happen. I know the answers so I’m never shocked at the moment things happen. I expect TV watchers to gasp at moments and when they do not… I feel like I can’t judge the show or the book’s shocking moments. Were they only shocking to me?
Secondly, time travel. Are we going to see more? I mean when Claire was in Wilmington with Jamie (‘Give Me Liberty‘), Claire clearly heard the “Colonel Bogey March” being whistled by that guy in the jail. I’m sure we all recognize Wendigo Donner from season five episode ‘Never My Love.’ He is the guy who is clearly a time traveler… well he tells Claire as much. Are we going to see anymore time travelers? No spoilers but I will say there are more in the books and we do eventually meet them.

Thirdly, will we ever know about this fire that is supposed to happen on the ridge? I mean Brianna risked the stone passage, then the Atlantic passage and then Stephen Bonnet all to warn her parents about a fire that could possibly kill them. Claire speculates about it in season six finale ‘I Am Not Alone.’ So it seems like the 1770s are getting closer to an end (are they) and they really need to know when this is going to happen. So do we? I mean I think we all figure they will survive because there is like, at least, four more books (out and forthcoming). So Jamie and Claire have to survive it but why does the newspaper say they won’t?
Fourthly, Lord John and William. Enough said? Well, maybe not. Not only do we fans want more Lord John but we probably all want to know if William will ever learn of Jamie and his parentage. I mean didn’t we get comments that the boy was starting to look like Jamie or that his temperament was similar… something. Plus, Brianna has yet to meet her brother and I can imagine that is something she wants to have happen. Actually, I can’t even remember if she knows William is her brother at this point. I mean now that I think about it; I don’t think she does. So, really, she needs to find out.
Fifthly, we need to get into the book An Echo in the Bone which if you have not read… I won’t tell you what happens but a lot does happen. I mean Jamie, Claire and even Ian have some serious story. It’s a great book. I highly recommend the series.
The point is there is a lot coming in season seven but the big thing to take away here is it will be long.. sixteen episodes long. Wow. That is a lot of recapping and screencapping. Can’t wait!