Phoenix Magazine with Laura Donnelly

From ‘Outlander’ to ‘The Nevers’, Laura Donnelly Swaps Sibling Bickering For High Kicks

Laura Donnelly is excited. 

And not just because she’s sporting a giant badge proclaiming she was very brave at the dentist (she would be, we have no doubt, but it’s a keepsake from her child’s visit earlier in the afternoon).

No, she’s excited – and rightly so – because she’s fronting The Nevers, a major new female-focused, kick-ass, gothic action TV series on HBO, set in Victorian London and from the bubbling imagination of Buffy creator Joss Whedon. As we meet, the new trailer has just dropped, and it’s wild.

“Yeah, I’m beating people!” she grins, when asked about scenes of her character pummelling villains. “I loved learning how to fight, how to get fit.” It wasn’t a quick journey from slight, genteel thesp to jump-kicking beatdown queen though: “I really needed to start from scratch: luckily I have a background in gymnastics and dancing, but the stunt team did a little trial, saw my abilities, then organised six weeks of intensive stunt training and learning the fights. And that was just for episode one!”