Reunited, Claire and Jamie make their way to Lallybroch – Jamie’s family home. Reality quickly sets in, and old wounds are reopened between Jamie and his sister, Jenny.
Lallybroch opens with Jamie and Claire riding towards Lallybroch. Jamie asks if “they stay aloft like birds.” Claire is explaining planes to Jamie and he is stunned with the very idea of it. Jamie wonders about her age and discovers Claire is several years old than himself. He tells her when he is 40 she’ll be 245 which they both laugh about. Jamie stops; Claire and he to look down upon Lallybroch. Jamie remembers being beaten in the dooryard.
As they walk through the trees towards the estate, Jamie tells Claire that there were rumors Randall got Jenny with a bastard child. Claire reassures Jamie that these are only rumors.
Jamie and Claire come up to the house and Jamie remembers Randall asking Jenny if she’d like to go into the house to provide him with better entertainment. Claire approaches a little boy asking his name and Jenny comes out carrying the wash. She drops it and runs to hug Jamie, then introducing the young boy as Wee Jamie who is named after his uncle. Jamie asks Jenny why she would name her son after him. Claire looks stunned and Jenny asks if he’s ill. Jamie asks if she’s does not think he’s suffered enough for what he let happen that she must name Randall’s bastard after him. He wants to know if it is to be a reminder the rest of his life. Jenny is baffled and recollects Jamie is referring to “the Red Coat Captain?” Jenny sends her son off to find the cook before she confronts Jamie that he thinks she’s played the whore.
Jamie asks who the father is of her current pregnancy and says they shouldn’t have come. Claire tries to keep the peace but Jenny tells Jamie to tell “the trollop to keep her neb out of my business.” Jamie is anger and tells Jenny Claire is his wife and she’ll not speak of her with respect. Claire continues to try to break them up as Jenny grabs a walking away Jamie. She asks if she has to do what she did when they were young: grab his bollocks to get his attention. Jamie snaps back that she is trying to shame him in front of his wife to which Jenny tells him that Claire is likely familiar with his balls being his wife and all.
Jenny tells him the last time she saw him he was bloody and broken; strung up in the archway then making her think he’s dead or never going to return and that is how he comes home. Meanwhile a man with a wood stump approaches slowly. Jamie asks who the boy’s father is and the man behind Jamie claims him and her unborn baby.
Jamie turns and calls the man Ian and Jenny informs Jamie that Ian is his brother-in-law. Ian tells Jamie he knows how to make and entrance and both he and Jenny thought him dead until they received his chest from Leoch. Jamie and Ian hug in welcome as Claire smiles at the two. Jamie goes to introduce Claire and Claire says she’s the trollop otherwise known as Claire Fraser. Jamie turns to apologize to Jenny and Jenny tells him he’s a damn fool and not a day wiser in four years. As Jenny goes into the house, Jamie remembers Randall pulling her out of the house.
Inside Lallybroch, Jamie is standing at the fire in the sitting room and Ian is offering Claire a glass of whiskey. Everyone is awkward and Jamie asks Jenny what happened with Randall. Jenny tells them Randall knocked Jamie out and then held his hand out to her. She went with him into the house and he took her upstairs. Jenny says she was trying to keep her wits as Randall led her into the bedroom. We see Randall sniffing her and sticking his finger in her mouth. Jenny is clearly frightened as Randall gropes her and then makes her put her hand on his penis. She then grabs a candlestick and hits him with it. There is a struggle and Randall slaps her and she falls onto the bed. While Jenny is laid out on the bed, Randall undoes his pants and tries to ready himself. Jenny says that she began to laugh which only angered Randall who didn’t like it. She continued to laugh until Randall knocked her out. When she woke up Randall was gone and that was the last time she saw him.
Jenny asks if Jamie is satisfied and she deserves and apology. Jamie thinks he’s given her one but Claire disagrees and tells Jamie Jenny deserves and apology. Everyone looks shocked and Jenny tells Claire that it is between her brother and herself. Jamie asks to see Claire in another room.
In another room, Jamie tells Claire he is her husband and she mustn’t embarrass him in front of his family and the servants. Jamie tells her there is a time and place to disagree with him. She wonders if Jamie will be the judge of when she can disagree with him. Jamie tells her he is Laird and she is his lady and they need to conduct themselves as such. Claire tells him she isn’t meek and he knows that. Jamie goes on to tell her that Letitia is a strong woman who doesn’t disagree with Colum in public but his Uncle as dodged his fair share of crockery. Claire warns him that she has a better throwing arm than Letitia.
Jamie and Claire return to the sitting room. Ian asks Claire where she is from and Claire continues the story of being from Oxfordshire but adds that Lallybroch is her home now. Jenny is stunned to realize they will be staying. Jenny asks about the price on his head and he tells her he’s expecting a pardon with the aid of the Duke of Sandringham. Claire adds that it hasn’t come through yet but they are hoping it will soon. Jenny makes a crack about not thinking Jamie would trust the English which was clearly meant as a dig at Claire.
Claire asks for some warm water to wash and asks Ian about the chest he mentioned from Leoch. Ian tells her it was sent by Mrs. FitzGibbons and it is in the spare bedroom upstairs. Jenny jumps in and says that the Laird should have the main bed chamber and has the maid move their things. Claire tells them she doesn’t wish to put them out of their room but Jamie agrees that it is the Laird’s room which clearly annoys Jenny.
Upstairs, Jamie comes into the room hauling a chest which is clearly heavy and Claire tells him he missed the servant coming in and moving Jenny and Ian’s things before she barely turned her back.
Jamie looks around and tells Claire it has hardly changed since his father. He tells her where his father kept a book while reading and where he stashed a blade under the bed. Claire thinks it is Viking and Jamie says she’s right and it is from the 10th century. She says she was raised by an archeologist.
Jamie remembers slipping into his father’s room to hold the blade and dream of when it would be his. Jamie tells Claire his father built Lallybroch and is buried out in the graveyard with his mother and his brother Willie. Claire asks when he last saw his father and Jamie remembers.
He was at Fort William, after his first flogging, being dragged before Randall when he saw his father in the corridor. His father was trying to get him out but tells Jamie he’s a good boy and he’ll stand by him.
Jamie is taken before Randall who tells him he just met his father who is worried about him. Randall tells Jamie that his father would have to get a clearance from the Duke of Argyll but will never be able to get it in time. Randall then says it is a pity they got off on the wrong foot. Jamie tells Claire that Randall was quite blunt about what he wanted which was Jamie himself. Randall wants Jamie to “make free of your body” and there will be no second flogging. Randall says tell Jamie if not… and then presses his still fresh wounds on his back.
Jamie tells Claire he thought about letting Randall have him rather than enduring a flogging again. Randall had promised he’d be set free that day. Jamie considered it but in the end he refused because he couldn’t stand what his father would think of Jamie letting Randall break him.
Jamie endures the second flogging while Dougal and his father look on. Jamie passed out and Jamie’s father thinking Jamie was dead made a noise and then dropped like a rock. Jamie says he didn’t see him drop, be taken away or his burial. He’s never seen his grave. Claire asks Jamie if he thinks Randall would have still have him flogged even if he’d given into him.
Jenny knocks asking how long it takes to get dressed, supper isn’t going to keep.
At dinner, Claire pours Jenny a drink while Jenny asks if Claire’s ever run a house before to which Claire says she has not. Jenny tells her there is a lot to learn but Claire tells her she’s a quick study. Jamie and Ian come in and say tomorrow is Quarter Day which is when their tenants pay their rents. They also plan to celebrate the Laird’s return which Claire thinks is public and risky. Jenny tells her that none of their tenants would ever think of turning Jamie in, they are like family.
Jamie tells Ian he’ll take a look at the ledgers after they’ve eaten and Jenny goads Jamie by saying she thought he’s want to see “father’s grave.” Jamie tells her he’ll go tomorrow but Jenny continues by saying, “If he were alive, he’d expect a visit this evening.” Jamie tells her if he was alive, their father would want him to prepare for Quarter Day. Ian and Claire look uncomfortable and Ian tries to move on with dinner.
The next day, Jamie and Claire are welcoming the tenants. Several tenants bring gifts for Claire, one being a blue vase with flowers in it which gives Claire pause and clearly makes her happy. The revelry continues inside as Jamie and Ian collect the rents. Duncan only gives only half of what he owes and Jamie tells the man that he can settle up next quarter. The man thanks Jamie for his mercy but Jamie tells him his father was a good man and farmed this land when he was just a bairn and won’t squeeze the last penny from him when times are hard, returning his half rent to Duncan. Jamie tells the tenants it is his father’s view and his as well.
Outside Claire is talking with some women, when a boy goes up to a table and grabs a bannock. His father notices and starts beating on him. Claire steps in. The man is rude to her and she convinces the man to let her watch his son while he enjoys himself. Claire takes the boy inside for some food and goes to Jenny with the problem. Jenny says they’ll get the boy cleaned up and Jamie notices the boy has been beaten. Claire tells Jamie it was the boy’s father and Jamie says that he remembers McNab. Duncan comes up and asks if Jamie will have a drink with him, seemingly distracting Jamie. Claire seems frustrated but doesn’t pursue it.
Later, Jamie stumbles into their room and Claire tells him he’s louder than an elephant essentially. Jamie tells her he’s been drinking with McNab and tried to reason with him but ended up just threatening him. Jamie tried to explain abuse and discipline, he says smacking Claire’s ass. She’s a little annoyed with his drunken brashness. Jamie then leans on her and asks if she’s actually seen an elephant. He rolls over and uses her as a pillow and tells her she’ll have to tell him all about it before he passes out. She pushes him off of her and then smiles to herself.
The next morning, Jamie is hung over and Claire gives him a “hair of the dog” remedy. Jenny bursts into the dining room announcing that Jamie didn’t collect the rents. Jamie tells her it has been a hard year and he decided to give the tenants some ease. Jenny tells him there will be no ease when the estate goes under when they can’t make ends meet. Jenny then speaks over Claire saying they also have another mouth to feed. Rabbie McNab’s father threw him out because Jamie thinks he could be a better father (which I highly believe). Claire defends that decision but Jenny tells them she was in talks with the boy’s aunt to take him in.
Jamie gets mad at Jenny and tells her he is the Laird and he doesn’t need to consult his sister about the running of the place. Jenny begs his pardon sarcastically. Jenny storms out and Jamie throws his napkin on the table and then grabs a bannock and takes a bite only to spit it out. He calls to Mrs. Crook who tells him the water wheel at the Mill isn’t working. Jenny sent for someone to fix it but Jamie says he’ll deal with it himself.
Jamie is inspecting the Mill but believe there is something stuck in the sluice. Jamie gives Claire his sword and takes off his kilt before going into the water. Jenny comes up saying Mrs. Crook told her the “stupide fool had come up here.” Claire tells Jenny she shouldn’t be running around in her condition and there was no need to come after us. Jenny says there was and turns Claire to see a band of Red Coats approaching. Jamie surfaces and sees them and goes under again.
Jenny tells Claire to keep silent so they don’t know she’s English and then both Jenny and Claire sit on Jamie’s things spreading their skirts over everything. Jenny greets the English and tells them if they are there for meal they are going to disappointed the Mill isn’t working but they could come back by later. The Corporal gets off his horse and asks what is amiss. He knows about water wheels and can help which isn’t comforting to Jenny or Claire. The Corporal is just about to get into the water as well when the wheel starts turning and up comes Jamie’s shirt with it. Jenny thanks the Corporal and then the English ride off.
Jamie stands out of the water and Jenny yells at him but Jamie tells her to turn around while he gets out of the water before his cock snaps off. Jamie turns his back and Jenny gets a clear view of what Jamie had to endure. A horrified Jenny turns and runs off. Jamie asks Claire why Jenny was there and she tells him Jenny was tried to warn him about the Red Coat patrol.
Back at Lallybroch, Claire is looking at the paintings in the hall, which were all by Jamie and Jenny’s mother. Ian comments that Claire is a night owl like himself. One painting is of Jenny as a girl with birds and Ian tells her if they ever found an injured bird Jenny would nurse them back to health. Ian asks if Claire is surprised that Jenny has a gentle side and she claims not to be surprised but then says maybe a little. Ian tells us Fraser’s hearts are big and soft as their heads are thick and strong.
Ian tells Claire it was Jenny who took care of him after he returned from France with a stump of wood. He tells her it doesn’t hinder him much but pains him by the end of the day. Claire asks if he’s tried guelder rose or water pepper. Ian says he’s not tried the water pepper and Claire says she’ll make some for him. Claire tells Ian she’s seen many a mangled man and he tells her Jamie hadn’t but Jamie brought him back to Scotland and Jenny made him whole again.
Claire wonders if that is why Ian married Jenny and he tells her he had no choice in the matter. He was out fixing a fence when she came up and he can’t remember all she said but it ended with her kissing him and telling him, “Fine, we’ll be married on St. Martin’s Day.” Ian says he was still trying to explain to her why they couldn’t when he found himself in front of a priest saying, “I take thee, Janet.”
Ian tells Claire that Fraser’s are stubborn and dig their heels in. He tells her you shouldn’t get between them when their dander is up. She asks how he manages and he tells her you can tug on their rope or give them a wee kick on their backside but you might just get bit for your trouble. Claire asks what to do then and Ian suggests kicking them harder.
Claire goes into her bedroom with Jamie and finds Jamie asleep. She grabs the edge of the sheet and dumps him onto the floor. She tells him she didn’t marry the Laird of Lallybroch but rather Jamie and she hasn’t seen much of him. He tries to tell her that is who he is now but she tells him she is speaking now and he will listen and he can speak when she’s finished. Jamie shuts up and Claire tells him his father would give him a thrashing for the way he’s been acting. Jamie is trying to be someone he’s not and it is wrecking the family he still has. She goes on to tell him if he isn’t careful he’ll lose them. Jamie seems to take her words to heart.
In the graveyard, Jamie is at his father grave all dressed in his finery when Jenny approaches and startles him. Both begin to speak but Jamie asks to go first. He tells her he got those rents he didn’t collect and he could take to Rabbie’s aunt but Jenny doesn’t think that would work out and Rabbie would be better with them which she thinks their father would have thought as well. Jamie apologizes for not consulting her.
Jenny breaks down and says she’s wronged him. She tells him a small part of her blamed Jamie for what happened to their father. She says she assumed he brought it on himself but at the mill pond when she saw the scares; she realized Randall laid those lashes with such fury. She says if she’d not gone up with him, if she hadn’t mocked him. Jamie tried to comfort her and tells her he did anger Randall and he’s blamed himself for their father’s death. He proceeds to tell her it isn’t their fault. There is a devil in Randall and he’s to blame for their father’s death.
Jamie tells Jenny he would have gladly died to spare her honor. Jenny then asks why if his life is a suitable exchange for her honor then why isn’t her honor a suitable exchange for his life. She then proceeds to tell him he can’t tell her she can’t love him as much as he loves her. Jamie smiles and Jenny welcomes him home officially.
Claire is looking outside at the tower and says that Jamie told her Broch Turach means North Facing Tower. She point out the tower is round and doesn’t have a face. Jamie tells her the door faces north. Claire laughs. Claire tells Jamie she’s beginning to feel like she belongs at Lallybroch. Jamie tells her he knew she belonged there since he first saw her. It was one reason why he agreed to marry her but not the main reason which was because he wanted her more than he wanted anything in his whole life.
Jamie tells her the moment he fell off the horse and she tended him and then the long ride with her round ass pressed between his thighs and her hard head thumping him in the chest. She asks if that is why he married her and he tells her he wanted her from the first time he saw her but he loved her when she wept in his arms the first night they were at Leoch. Jamie tells her now everyday he finds he loves her more than the day before. Claire confesses she loves him as well.
In the morning, Claire wakes up and pats around to find Jamie but he’s already up and gone to her disappointment though she appears to be blissfully happy at Lallybroch. Claire gets up and goes out to the landing to find a man telling Jamie to be calm as he holds a pistol to Jamie. The man tells Jamie to be still or Claire will be scrubbing his brains off the floor.