Claire and Jamie throw a dinner party to derail investors in Prince Charles’ war effort. Meanwhile, Claire’s revelation that Jack Randall is alive sparks Jamie in an unexpected way as he and Claire struggle.
La Dame Blanche opens at Versailles where Duverney and Jamie are playing chess while Claire looks on. Duverney wonders if they’ve thought of names for the baby and Claire suggests Lambert after her uncle much to Jamie’s disgust. The Comte St. Germain approaches and announces Duverney’s win saying it is so terribly obvious to be boring and not worth watching. Duverney is annoyed while Jamie concedes. Because of the distraction, Duverney doesn’t wish to take the win and Claire moves away to distract them less. Duverney shares with Jamie the King’s interest in the wealthy benefactors Charles appears to have.
Claire is offer refreshment from a servant while the Comte looks on. Suddenly, Claire doubles over in pain. Jamie notices and comes rushing to her side, then carries her from the room while the Comte seems satisfied.
At home, Claire is in bed telling Jamie she doesn’t think she was poisoned but it was likely bitter cascara. Jamie brings her some tea which she believes will counteract the effects. Claire tells Jamie the baby will be fine but when it first happened, she was scared she’d lose the baby. She speculates the Comte likely paid a servant to give her the tainted drink considering the way St. Germain was watching her. Jamie wants to make the Comte suffer but while Claire would love to see it; it could cause Charles to distance himself from Jamie.
Claire wants a distraction and Jamie tells her about the King’s interest in an alliance with England. Jamie thinks they should host a dinner for Sandringham and provoke Charles into showing the Duke his true character.
Claire says it is a good plan, but she’s worried about the subject of Randall coming up and decides to tell Jamie the truth. She explains how she met Alex and him telling her Randall was injured but is alive. Jamie tells her what wonderful news this is and asks why she waited so long to tell him? It has plagued Jamie he wasn’t there to see Randall die. Now he has the hope of someday killing Randall though he’s not so foolish as to run to Scotland now to do so. Jamie thanks her for giving him something to look forward to and kiss her and her baby bump.
The next morning, Murtagh sees Claire and tells her Jamie is in a grand mood. Claire says she told Jamie that Randall was alive, and she isn’t sure why he was so worried about it.
Claire heads to Master Raymond’s shop informs him he was violently ill last night. She asks if she sold the bitter cascara to St. Germain, but he says it was just a servant who purchased it. Raymond’s servant tells him they are being watched and Raymond takes Claire into his back room explaining the gens d’armes go by looking for those practicing mystical arts which the King isn’t willing to tolerate.
Claire finds a room full of bones, one of which is of a dinosaur. Raymond tells her it is extinct, and he’s fascinated by things not of this time.
Claire tells Raymond she fears a friend named Frank’s future is in doubt. Raymond says the bones will give them an answer though when he shows her, she sees nothing. Raymond can’t help but to use his sleight of hand and shows her again. Claire is fascinated as she seen bones like that in Africa when she lived with Uncle Lamb. Raymond asks her to bring her question to mind and cast the bones on the zebra hide. Raymond; however, cannot see Frank’s fate but Claire will see him again. This shocks Claire.
Raymond gives Claire a necklace with a stone which will change color in the presence of poison.
At Louise’s Claire and Mary are being shown Louise’s new toy which is a cuckoo clock. Mary thinks it is wonderful, but Claire is clearly there for other reasons. Louise has Mary go find food for Collette (her monkey) but warns Mary not to put her fingers in the cage. Louise confides in Claire the monkey bits everyone but her.
Louise then tells Claire she’s with child and it is her lovers. She is hoping to get rid of the baby to avoid her husband from finding out. Claire warns Louise the herbs to get rid of the child could kill her. Claire then asks if Louise wants the baby. She does but she can’t leave her husband for her lover. Claire suggests she make her husband believe the baby is his. Louise wonders how she can raise a baby with a man who is not the father and Claire believes the only thing that matters is the baby is brought up with love.
At home, Jamie kisses Claire and tells her he had a good day. Jamie is feeling amorous but as he takes off his shirt his thigh is revealed to have bite marks on them. Claire wants to know what they are from and Jamie badly explains saying she likely doesn’t know what 69 mean though she does. She wonders if Jamie accommodated the whore and Jamie jumps to say he didn’t.
Jamie tries to tell her that after so long of seeing Randall when he went to touch her; tonight he finally started to feel like a man again. Claire is quick to point out he felt that way with another woman. She’s also upset he’s been distant from her. Jamie says that her telling him about Randall gave him the ability to see an end to Randall and put thing behind him. He tells her she knows he’s been struggling, and Claire tells him she’s struggled too. She’s been patient and understanding. She’s struggling with carrying the baby and she feels like she’s been doing it on her own.
Jamie doesn’t think she understands what it has been like and she tells him to make her understand. Jamie says people have a place inside of you, a fortress, where the most private part of a person lives. Randall blew up his fortress and the thing that lived there was without shelter, naked and alone just trying to hide beneath a blade of grass. That is where he’s been. Jamie goes to sleep elsewhere.
Claire goes to find him in the night. She disrobes and climbs on top of him. She tells him not to say anything but find her. Find us. Jamie and Claire make love and afterwards Jamie tells her she helped him build a lean-to with a roof to keep out the rain inside himself.
Jamie gets out of bed and tells Claire there is someone on the roof. He grabs his sgian-dubh as he goes into the next room. Pounding comes from the window and then someone calling out James. Jamie opens the window and Charles Stuart tumbles into the room. Jamie introduces Claire who asks if he’s been hurt. Charles practically demands she look at it and Jamie get him a whisky.
Charles tells them he was forced to flee his lovers’ home when her husband returned. He came across the rooftops until he realized Jamie’s house was nearby. Charles tells them his lover spurned him and God is forever testing him. Claire thinks Charles’ wound is a bite and Charles says his lovers pet bites everyone except her. Claire realizes Louise is Charles’s lover.
Later, Jamie says he thinks Louise and Charles are well matched because they are dreamers. Jamie and Claire plot to have Louise and Charles at the dinner together so they can reveal Louise’s pregnancy and hopefully provoke Charles. Claire thinks they are terrible people and Jamie tells her they are doing a bad thing for a good reason. Despite their plotting, Jamie and Claire appear to be getting closer.
One week later, the servants ready the house for the dinner party while Claire rushes off to L’Hôpital. There was an explosion at the royal armory and she never allowed near the kitchen and she would like to be somewhere she’s needed. Jamie sends Murtagh and Fergus with her. Jamie tells Fergus to get Claire home by sundown if he expects his own supper.
Outside L’Hôpital, Fergus is practicing throwing a knife when Mary comes out to tell them it will be at least another hour. Mary assures them they will hurry before going back inside. Fergus says it is a shame Mary is so sad. Murtagh wonders if the boy saw her smiling and he wonders if Murtagh didn’t notice she’s been crying. Fergus explains how Mary is promised but is in love with another.
Murtagh tells Fergus a man doesn’t concern himself with the affairs of women but then asks if Suzette is in love with anyone which Fergus says is any man who walks past her door.
Inside L’Hôpital, Claire is helping to set a broken leg. The injured man is screaming out in pain and the “doctor” taps a rather large pin into the man’s leg relieving some of the pain. He explains there is a nerve bundle there which if pierced numbs the leg. Claire helps set the bone and then the “doctor” gives Claire and Mary some ointment to put on the injured man’s burns. Claire asks what the ointment is and is told it is hanged man’s grease rendered fat from hanged criminals.
Mary looks at her hands in shock and Claire has her go outside for air, but Mary will first wash her hands. Claire applies the grease but asks Mother Hildegarde where the “doctor” would get such a thing. Mother says Monsieur Forez is the royal executioner and they take what they can get. She says mostly they are better than nothing, but Claire is a great deal better than nothing.
When Claire and Mary go to leave, Murtagh tells them the wheel on their carriage is broken and he’s sent Fergus ahead to tell Jamie. Claire says they will have to walk, and they all set off.
At home, Jamie greets their guests, Sandringham and Alex first. Sandringham reminds Jamie of Randall who seems uncomfortable but takes it in stride. Mary’s father and betrothed arrive then Charles. Fergus also appears to tell Jamie about the carriage.
Charles thinks this night will be a turning point and Jamie introduces Sandringham and Charles.
In the city, Mary tells Claire she’s been corresponding with a man she’s fallen in love with. Mary says his name is Randall and Claire wonders how she met him. Mary says she met him at Versailles when Claire wore the red dress and Claire realizes she’s refereeing to Alex.
Men come out of the alleyways and Murtagh puts up a fight but is outnumbered and knocked out. Mary is grabbed and is pushed up against something before being raped by a man who is excited she is a virgin.
Meanwhile at the house, Le Comte St. Germain arrives at the Duke of Sandringham’s invitation. Jamie welcomes them.
Back in the alley, Mary is being abused while two other men go after Claire. She notices one has a birth mark on his hand and when her hood is removed from her face the men cry out that she is La Dame Blanche and run off into the night. Claire pushes the man away from Mary and holds Mary close as Murtagh regains consciousness.
Meanwhile, Louise arrives at the dinner party with her husband which dismay’s Charles. Charles comments on Louise’s beauty lingering overlong while kissing her hand, something Sandringham seems to notice.
Jamie is called away as Claire, Murtagh and Mary arrived. Claire tells them she’s okay but Mary was assaulted and raped. Alex appears and wishes to remain with Mary. Jamie and Murtagh want to run off and find the brigands but Claire tells them tonight is too important. They go up the back staircase to ensconce Mary in a room where Claire has given her poppy syrup and leaves Mary with Alex.
Claire goes to her room where Suzette is helping her to dress. Claire wants to talk to the authorities about Mary’s rape but Jamie says if they say something Mary’s reputation will be ruined, right or no. Claire thinks Mary needs a doctor and Jamie says she has Claire. He thinks St. Germain had something to do with it and Jamie wants to go downstairs and cut his head off. Claire is stunned to find out Sandringham has invited the Comte.
Claire sends Jamie downstairs saying she’ll be there soon. Claire goes downstairs wearing the necklace Raymond gave her. Jamie introduces her to everyone, and Claire apologizes for her delay and then escorts them all into the dining room.
Louise confides in Claire that she convinced her husband the baby is the result of a drunken night and he’s mad with joy over the baby.
Upstairs, Alex tells Mary he loves her, and he will care for her.
Downstairs, Claire sits with the Comte to her right. Sandringham says he is enamored with Italy and says it was only disappointing when he went to the Vatican and didn’t get to meet the Pope. He wonders what the Pope does all day and Charles thinks being the head of the Catholic Church is a massive job. Charles has met the Pope and Sandringham wonders if he’s as witty as they say. Claire asks him to share his own wit and Sandringham does, but Charles is less than amused.
Charles tells everyone God’s plans are the only that matter and they are that he united the Clans and restore a Catholic to the throne. Louise turns the conversation to the opera and Charles asks if Sandringham is married and the Duke tells them he hasn’t found a woman who would put up with him. Charles thinks they are fickle, and the Duke states Jamie has found himself a worthy one and thinks their child will be lovely.
Claire nods to Jamie who then congratulates Louise and her husband on their impending child which surprises Charles. Louise is taken aback, and Jamie apologizes for announcing it though Jules says it is all right. He says they have not formally announced it, but it is incredible news.
Charles raises a glass to them. Charles goes on to say the world isn’t always a happy place. Jules appears confused Charles tells him he is in the dark.
Upstairs, Mary awakes and screams out as Alex tries to quiet her. He goes to get her some medicine and she flees.
Downstairs, the Comte’s wife admires her necklace and the Comte says it a magic stone which changes color in the presence of poison. He suggests if she is worried about the food in her home they all should have a stone.
Mary runs through the house and Alex tries to stop her though she screams out attracting the guests. Jamie comes to her aid as everyone else thinks he’s trying to rape Mary. The situation dissolves quickly while Jamie fights off those intent on killing Alex Randall. Murtagh almost kills someone but Jamie stops him. St. Germain suggests Charles and he leave, having someone summon the gens d’armes. They leave together.
Fergus takes advantage of the abandoned table while Jamie puts a violent end to the fighting.