Claire follows her conscience as a surgeon, even though it could put her and Jamie’s lives at risk. At the same time, Jamie attempts to evade the reach of the Crown as it representative closes in on his illegal dealings.
Crème De Menthe begins with Claire fighting of her would be attacker to the point of him falling and hitting his head on the hearth. Jamie appears finding a trembling Claire who informs him that the man was rummaging through Jamie’s things. The would-be attacker makes a noise and Claire goes to help him. Claire realizes her attacker now has an epidural hematoma. Claire tells Jamie as a doctor she is obligated to try and help the man.
Claire tells Jamie the man was looking for his ledgers. Jamie, Fergus and Madame Jeanne surmise that Sir Percival figured out they’ve been selling abroad and need to sell their current stock to prevent its discovery as it is hidden in Madame Jeanne’s basement. Sir Percival will come looking for this man when he doesn’t so up.
Claire asks Madame Jeanne for hot water and some surgical equipment from the local surgeon. Claire tells Jamie she needs to go to the apothecary and asks Jamie to stay with the man but Jamie doesn’t think the man deserves her mercy. She tells him he can then turn the man over to the authorities but Jamie informs her if the involve the local authorities they will arrest her.
Below Jamie, Fergus, Young Ian, and Jamie’s men are moving the casks out of the basement as Young Ian are entrusted with selling the casks even if it is at a loss. Willoughby (Yi Tien Cho) respects a woman who values life and Jamie tells him to go watch the exciseman then.
Claire enters Haugh’s Apothecary to find a man looking for help with his sister. The man tells her that his sister has a nervous complaint. She promises to call on Archibald and Margaret Campbell later in thanks for letting her go before him.
Fergus and Young Ian are with a man named McDaniel who they are selling the casks too. He wishes to pay them 50 for the lot but Young Ian tells him they are worth more. Young Ian asks for 75 pounds but McDaniel’s offers 70 and Ian counters with 75 which will include three cask of the Crème De Menthe. McDaniel’s agrees and leave and Fergus is impressed that Young Ian moved and Crème De Menthe as no one is Scotland drinks the stuff.
Young Ian asks about Auntie Claire and Fergus says that she was very brave and very skilled at healing men. Fergus says she saved many lives but there were rumors that she took lives as well. Young Ian believes if Auntie took lives the men deserved it. Though Fergus thinks her arrive has cause a catastrophe.
Back at the brothel, Jamie is holding down the exciseman who woke and has been loud. He was having a lucid interval and Claire gives him something to knock him out while she and Yi Tien Cho perform surgery on him. Claire creates and incision and then drills into the man’s head. Yi Tien Cho wonders if the drilling will kill him but Claire tells him the pressure will, not the drilling.
Downstairs in the brothel, Jamie greets Sir Percival who wishes to search the premises believing there are casks in the basements. Madame Jeanne assures Sir Percival there is nothing hidden on her premises. Upon searching he finds nothing except water in the basement. Madame Jeanne tells him it is a leak which is why she can keep nothing of value in the basement. Sir Percival tells Mr. Malcolm he knows he’s hiding something and he’ll be watching him.
Jamie rushes upstairs and says he barely got rid of Sir Percival and this all ends now. Claire informs him the man died so Jamie got his wish. Yi Tien Cho tells Jamie that honorable wife fought hard for the man’s life. Jamie tells Claire that she tried but God took him. Claire believes if she’d been in a hospital in Boston she’d have saved him. She explains to Jamie that she dedicated 14 years to healing people. Jamie tells her there will be other for her to save just like the last time she was with him.
Jamie says that when she came into the print shop it was as if the sun came out and cast out the darkness.
Claire tells Jamie she has another patient to visit. Her name is Margaret Campbell and she met her brother at Haugh’s. Jamie is alarmed that she doesn’t know them and wants to send Fergus with her. Claire informs him she’s traveled thousands of miles and 200 years. She can get across town on her own. Sir Percival doesn’t know her and Jamie asks that she returns.
Fergus and Young Ian are in a tavern talking about Young Ian’s natural talent for business. They begin talking about women and Young Ian confesses his admiration for Brighid one of the tavern women. Fergus beckons her closer and Fergus gives advice on getting her. Look into her eyes and tell her she’s beautiful then offer her a drink… and then repeat. Fergus disappears leaving Ian and Brighid alone. Young Ian tells her she’s the bonniest lass he’s ever seen and offers her anything she wishes to drink. Whisky.
Claire goes to visit the Campbell’s only to find Margaret sitting at a table hunched over. Mr. Campbell says he gave her laudanum to keep her calm. When Claire touches her Margaret gasps and says:
“Gleep, gleep. Gleep, gleep.
D’ye hear ’em? D’ye hear the tree toads lullaby?
And the moon — the moon be chokin’ wi’ blood.
Ye must be careful, Abandawe will devour ye.
Abandawe, Abandawe. Abandawe…”
The Campbell’s are fortune tellers but Archibald says he has to interpret her visions for customers. She stares at walls and then nightmares plague her fiercely. Claire tells him to give her mistletoe tea with tansy oil when she’s agitated. If she can’t sleep a tea of Valerian root. Archibald says she will go out and touch people and tell them things they don’t want to hear and scares them. He needs to subdue her. She offers to see Margaret again but they are leaving to the West Indies. That is why he needs tonics otherwise the sailors might pitch her over if she’s carrying on. She tells him no laudanum but plenty of fresh fruit in the Indies.
Back at the print shop, Young Ian is singing to Brighid making her laugh because he’s a terrible singer. They make it into the backroom where Young Ian turns around Brighid as to have her from behind but she calls him on it and he isn’t sure how you do it. He tells her some of the whore at the kittle house do it like that and she reminds him that night she’s not a whore. And he agrees saying she’s the finest lass he ever set eyes on. She tells him to lie down so she can show him what she wants.
Back in their room, Jamie is counting the money Young Ian was paid as Claire enters asking where the body was hidden. Apparently, Jamie had the “lads” hide it in a barrel of Crème De Menthe seeing as no one will look inside for quite some time.
Claire broaches the subject of finding a home of their own as they can’t make a home in the brothel. Jamie tells her everything he earns he sends to Lallybroch and at the brothel there is no rent to pay. Claire suggests she make money as a healer. She enjoyed having a patient. Maybe she could work from the print shop or get a shop of her own. However, they are interrupted by Madame Jeanne’s knock on the door telling Mr. Malcolm that there is a Mr. Murray downstairs looking for him.
Claire is excited to see Ian and asks Jamie why he’d be at the brothel. Jamie tells her he is likely looking for Young Ian. Jamie tells her not to mention that she’s seen Young Ian.
Downstairs Jamie and Claire greet Ian. Ian is stunned as Claire comes to hug him. Ian says they thought she was dead. Ian and Jenny grieved over her for years and Jamie tells him that it was a terrible misunderstanding that kept them apart. She tells him that she thought Jamie dead and when to the Colonies but returned to find Jamie when she heard he was alive.
Ian tells them Young Ian ran off again and asks when Jamie last saw him and Jamie says the last time was months ago when he sent him home with Fergus. Ian tells them Jenny and he have been worried sick and he voices his fears that the boy could have been taken by a press gang. Jamie assures him that Young Ian will be find and promises to bring him home should he show up. Claire is visibly upset at the lies Jamie tells Ian and tells Ian she hopes to see him soon.
Jamie sees Ian out and Ian mentions that Claire must have taken his news well. Jamie confesses he hasn’t told her and Ian tells Jamie it isn’t something that he should hold onto for very long. Jamie assures Ian all will be well.
At the print shop, Young Ian is getting a carnal education when Brighid and he hear a noise. They find a man rummaging around the print shop and Young Ian sends Brighid off assuring her he’ll be fine. Young Ian confronts the man who is looking for casks and after shoving Young Ian into a wall which reveals a hidden compartment with seditious pamphlets. Young Ian tries to stop the man but a pistol shot ignites a fire and Young Ian tosses some oil at the man. The fire spreads and traps Young Ian in the back while the intruder escapes.
Back in their rooms at the brothel, Jamie comments that Claire is upset with him. Claire wants to know when he started lying to his family. Claire thinks he could have told Ian that he’s seen his son to make him feel some so of relief from the agony of not knowing. Jamie says that Young Ian keeps running away and it is better that he comes to him then go someone were there are strangers. Jamie thinks Jenny and Ian don’t know what is best for their own son as he is teaching him the ways of the world.
Claire argues it isn’t about the ways of the world by about being a parent. Claire points out he just lied to Young Ian’s parents. Jamie doesn’t’ think she should judge after all the lying they did in Paris and downstairs with Ian. Of course, Claire doesn’t count those because they are white lies (necessary lies to spare someone) but Jamie doesn’t think lies have shades.
Claire tells him he has no idea what it is like to be a worried parent and that he’s not Young Ian’s father. Jamie says he’s Brianna’s father and he got no say in the way she and Frank raised her mentioning the retched bikini. Claire gets frustrated with the 18th century sensibility and asks if it would have been better to teach Brianna to be a criminal and Jamie replies at least her virtue wouldn’t have been endangered, “says the man living in a brothel.”
Claire tells Jamie Frank was a wonderful father to Brianna but Jamie wants to know if he was a wonderful husband to her. Jamie wants to know if she fell in love with Frank again. She tells him that she loved Frank before but not after.
Madame Jeanne interrupts to tell him there is a fire in Carfax Close and Jamie and Claire rush off to find the print shop in flames. Jamie tells her Young Ian sleeps in the back and he rushes in to save him.
Inside, Jamie finds Young Ian on the lower floor and jumps down to him. Jamie moves the printing press closer to an upper window before retrieving the portrait of Willie and Young Ian. Jamie carries the boy out as the flames explode through the shop.
Outside the local fire brigade is doing their best to douse the flames as Jamie makes his exit just in time.
Jamie puts Young Ian down for Claire to inspect and he coughs his way through a confession of see the man who broke into the shop and found the pamphlets. Young Ian tells him the man works for Sir Percival and Fergus worries he’ll be arrested for sedition.
Claire tells Jamie they have to take Young Ian home to his parents and Jamie agrees as Sir Percival doesn’t know him as Jamie Fraser.
Jamie has Willoughby take the profits from the casks and the payments for Leslie and Hayes. He gives Fergus his cut and asks to see if he can intercept the man with the blind eye before he gets to Sir Percival. He also has Fergus go to Ned Gowan to have him bring news to Lallybroch.
Fergus is concerned about taking Claire to Lallybroch as she doesn’t know about his other wife and Jamie feels confident that Balgriggan is far enough away from Lallybroch. Jamie says he’ll explain when they are safe.
Jamie goes back and watches as the print shop burns with his sign lying on the ground.