Claire is forced to play a game of cat and mouse with an old adversary as she searches for Young Ian. The Frasers race through the jungles of Jamaica to prevent the unthinkable.
Eye of the Storm opens on Claire floating in the water appearing to be dead with ropes wrapped around her.
Flashback a ways and we are back on the Jamaican plantation of Rose Hall where Young Ian is being held. Claire wanders the plantation finding what appear to be slave quarters and the remains of a young man who isn’t Ian. Before she can make a plan she is seized from behind by Geillis’s henchman.
Back at the house, Young Ian is being interrogated by Geillis, who is positive the Claire is after the sapphire. Ian denies her rantings but is hauled away when Claire turns up. Claire tells Geillis she got lost trying to find the house after her husband was taken into custody. Geillis welcomes her and they sit for a visit. Geillis tries to contain her wild theories but soon can’t help but confront Claire about not being honest.
Geillis rants about the prophecy and the sapphires but Claire is clueless as to what Geillis is talking about and tries to defend herself; telling Geillis she went back to the future and lived 20 years there. Geillis isn’t inclined to believe Claire would leave Jamie or that she could even go through the stones that many times but Claire shows her the photos of Bree and Geillis realizes that is the 200 year old baby. Geillis keeps one of Bree’s photos before having her manservant take Claire to a guestroom.
Captain Leonard and Jamie are detained by Lord John’s men. Lord John wants to know where Leonard’s warrant is or the affidavit. Leonard has neither and Grey is outraged. “Surely you don’t mean to arrest a British subject based on the scurrilous gossip of the lower deck,” Grey asks incredulously. The Captain tries to further assert his authority, but Grey will have none of it. “Your authority ends at the water’s edge,” he reproaches him. “Which is precisely where my authority begins.”
Captain Leonard doesn’t get his prey and Jamie thanks John and then takes his leave.
Jamie, along with others, go to Rose Hall where Jamie finds Claire locked in a room. Claire informs him she just saw Young Ian being dragged away. They pursue Geillis and Young Ian and stumble upon a ceremonial dance reminiscent of the Druid dance at the standing stones. Jamie and Claire are dragged from the trees and Yi Tien comes to their aid. He is with Margaret who was invited to the ceremony because she’s a seer. Yi Tien tells Jamie and Claire that Margaret and he wish to be together. Margaret reads Claire and Jamie for a moment and it seems she’s is channeling Bree. Margaret mentions Abandawe when her brother shows up telling her they must go back to Mistress Abernathy to figure out the 200-year old baby thing. Claire realizes Geillis is going to attempt to kill Bree because of the prophecy. Claire and Jamie run in the direction of Abandawe while Yi Tien deals with Archibald. He ends up snapping Archibald’s neck.
Jamie and Claire find Geillis in a cave, performing some kind of ritual with Bree’s photo and the soon-to-be sacrificed Young Ian. Claire tries reason but Geillis is too far gone and when Geillis tries to go back to the future Claire lashes out with a very large knife that nearly chops off Geillis’s head (yep like the bones Joe Abernathy was examining). Jamie gets both Young Ian and Claire out of that cave.
Back on the Artemis, Jamie and Claire reconnect as they sail back to Scotland. The pair awaken to realize they are in a storm. Jamie sends everyone below decks while Jamie and a few men try to steady the ship. Claire in one of her stupid moves joins them on the deck and is swept overboard. She is rescued by Jamie and the two wash ashore.
Eventually they are found by a family. Jamie inquires what island they’ve washed up on and the man says they are on the mainland in the colony of Georgia. They are in the new world and since it is late 1760s they are just in time for the American Revolution.