Brianna confronts a violent figure from her past in an attempt to cope with her trauma. Roger befriends a fellow captive and endeavors to escape the Mohawk Village, while Fergus and Marsali plan a dangerous mission.
Providence opens in the Mohawk village Shadow Lake where Roger is forced to walk the gauntlet. If he can make it through the Mohawk’s attacks to the end of the gauntlet he will be one of them. But Roger’s collarbone is fractured by a hit and he goes down. He will remain captive. A Mohawk boy gives Roger the name Ehhaokonsah which makes the tribe laugh.
In Wilmington, Fergus relays the news of Murtagh’s capture. Malachi and Bryan fear Murtagh will be hung without a fair trial. Fergus is determined to help him and Bryan says the Regulators will help.
At River Run, John tells Brianna about Stephen Bonnet’s capture. He is being charged with smuggling, piracy and murder. Brianna wants him to paid for raping her but John tells her speaking up will only bring shame on her (in the public’s eye) and Bonnet will soon pay with his life anyway. Brianna starts to leave and then informs John she wants to see Bonnet.
John follows Brianna to the porch and starts to explain going to Wilmington isn’t a good journey for her condition and seeing a man die would likely be a shock. But Brianna doesn’t want to watch him die she wants to talk to Bonnet which is just one more shock for John. Brianna gives John her letter from Jamie:
I cannot say if I shall see you again. My hope is that it shall be so and that all will be mended between us. I’ve been thinking about your question of whether revenge would heal the wrong done to you. I advise you now, that you must not seek it. For the sake of your soul, for the sake of your own life, you must find the grace to forgive. Freedom is hard-won, but it is not the fruit of murder. Do not fear that he will escape vengeance. Such a man carries with him, the seeds of his own destruction.
If he does not die by my hand, it will be by another, but it must not be your hand. Hear me for the sake of the love I bear you.
Your loving Father,
James Fraser
Brianna explains she never said goodbye to Jamie. As for Bonnet she wants to say her peace maybe she can find a way to be free of Bonnet for her baby’s sake. John agrees to help her. The baby kicks and John asks permission to feel it. He’s shocked at the movement.
At Shadow Lake, Roger is counting the days again when Wahkatiiosta catches him not working and tells him to take some wood to Tehwahsehwke’s longhouse, pointing him exasperatedly in the direction of the longhouse. As Roger heads out he is stopped by Johiehon who speaks French. She gives him an herb for the pain.
Kaheroton calls out to her, warning her Roger is dangerous and cannot be good as he was sold by his own people. Johiehon seems to think he’s nice enough. Kaheroton sends Roger on his errand. He then offers a wampum bracelet to Johiehon wishing it brings her peace. Johiehon reminds him peace begins in the minds of men.
In Wilmington, Lord John and Brianna arrive. Brianna is clearly uncomfortable being there so close to Bonnet. She confesses to John she missing Claire and John confesses he misses her too especially when he’s sick. Brianna wants Claire to return for the baby’s birth and John assures her Jamie and Claire will do everything in their power to bring Roger home. Brianna takes John’s arm and tells him he’s impossible not to like.
Shadow Lake: Roger approaches the chief’s fire and asks if they need wood for their fire, pointing at the man. They all look at him oddly and he simply adds a log to the fire and moves on. Kaheroton starts to direct Roger who interrupts him with a question angering Kaheroton who goes after Roger. Johiehon stops him insisting Roger doesn’t understand their ways. He doesn’t understand pointing is bad or to interrupt someone is an offense.
The chief approaches and Roger pleads with him as he’s hurt. The chief tells Kaheroton to put Roger in the hut. He’s learned nothing.
Kaheroton gets Roger up and takes him to the hut. He wants to know how Roger came to be with them. He wants to know if Roger broke his word of honor. Roger confesses his loyalties were to a woman and Kaheroton tells him if that is true he shouldn’t be smiling at Johiehon.
Inside the hut, Roger finds another white man, a priest named Father Alexandre Ferigault. Roger takes the herb Johiehon gave him while he introduces himself to Alexandre. He also learns Ehhaokonsah means Dogface because of his hairy face. He also learns he’s in New York. Roger asks Alexandre how he got there and the Father says he fell in love.
Back in Wilmington, Fergus is making a plan to break Murtagh out when Marsali finds him. She realizes what he is doing and instead of being upset she joins the cause. Fergus is surprised Marsali isn’t upset with him but she tells him she’d be upset if she doesn’t try. Fergus wishes Jamie were here and Marsali adds, “Claire too.” She knows Claire risked her life to save Jamie from Wentworth which she seems impressed by. Marsali is sure the can free Murtagh and tells Fergus to trust in his plan. They have the Regulators for help. Fergus thinks it is a good time to move to Fraser’s Ridge and Marsali says she’ll find and wagon and start packing.
Back at Shadow Lake, Alexandre tells Roger he came to preach to the Mohawk. He got sick and was prepared to die. Johiehon saved him and then he fell in love with her and sinned. However, they had a child and he was asked to baptize the child but he couldn’t do it because he’s not in a state of grace. He refused them. He believes doing so is to condemn the child. His problem is he can’t stop loving her. Roger understands because he can stop loving Bree.
Two Mohawk come in and tell Alexandre he will go naked before the Lord his God for his dishonor. They take him away and Roger turns to the back of the hut and starts digging.
Later, the Father is brought back to the hut. He curls into a fetal position and Roger checks on him covering him with his robe. Roger asks if he’s hurt and sees the man is missing some scalp and his ear. He tries to staunch the bleeding with the robe. Roger recalls a prayer from his time with Reverend Wakefield and prays.
Roger asked what happened. Alexandre was given another chance to baptize his child but refused offending the Mohawk. He has until morning and then they will bind him with his feet to hot coals until he dies. Roger tells him to just say a prayer over the child and Alexandre refuses. Roger tells him he’s being an idiot and he should know because he’s been one as well. Roger tells Alexandre how he followed Brianna, fought with her, left her and then ended up sold to the Mohawk. He even tells him about having a chance to get away from the Mohawk and not taking it because of love. Now it is time to look out for yourself and he advises Alexandre to do the same.
Roger tells him he’s been digging and asks for his help. Alexandre protests but Roger tells him he can escape and confess his sins anything is better than dying a horrible death. Alexandre then helps Roger but come morning they’ve not made enough progress. Alexandre tells him he’ll have time to dig when he’s gone. The Mohawk come in and take Alexandre away. Roger continues digging.
In Wilmington, the Regulators are laying black powder for their plan as John and Brianna go to the jail. John comments on Brianna’s lack of enthusiasm for their endeavor but then the two approach the guards. They go inside where Bonnet is chained to the wall for their protection. As they are brought in Brianna wants John to stay behind to his upset. She assures him and then goes to confront Bonnet with John feet away should she need him.
Outside, Fergus and Marsali wait as the Regulators gather. Fergus joins them and they all head to the jail. Marsali gets into position.
In the jail, Brianna confronts Bonnet. He remembers her but not her name. She tells him who she is and who her parents are. Bonnet tells her he bought a ship with Jamie’s gems.
Outside, the Regulators pull weapons on the guards.
Inside, Brianna offers him forgiveness and touches her stomach. She tells him he’s going to die and if it gives him comfort something will be left of him. She turns to go and Bonnet says he won’t be forgotten. She comes back and assures him her child will know nothing of him and will be raised to be a good person who is nothing like Bonnet. Bonnet stops her and then pulls a gem out of his mouth which he gives to her for the child’s maintenance.
The Regulators come in and knock out the guard. John gets the upper hand over one Regulator and Fergus pulls a gun on him. John realizes it is Fergus and Fergus apologizes to John but tells the men to keep an eye on him. They proceed to free Murtagh and Brianna appears shocked at Murtagh’s arrest.
Murtagh isn’t happy to see John and wants to escort Brianna to River Run. John protests because Murtagh is wanted and now on the run. John says he’ll escort her and protect her. Fergus tells Murtagh than means she’ll be under Tyron’s protection. If Bree is found with Murtagh she could be hanged.
Another Regulator comes in and tells them to hurry as the powders been lit. They all go to leave but Brianna doesn’t want the guard to be left to die. They all exit and Bonnet tries to get the keys in the doorway of his cell.
Brianna, John, Murtagh, Fergus and the others exit as the building explodes. Murtagh and Fergus get into the wagon and Marsali shuts it and rides away.
In the Mohawk Village, Roger has managed to dig enough to gain his freedom. He makes it out of the village to the sound of Alexandre screaming in pain.
In Wilmington, John and Brianna are leaving when they are stopped by a British officer who inquires after their health and then asks if they know anything about where the Regulators were going. John tells the man it happened fast and he doesn’t have anything to aid them much to Brianna’s relief.
On the road, Roger is trying to convince himself he can’t help Alexandre and he should keep going. But Roger breaks down and returns to the village. He hides, watching Alexandre’s suffering.
Johiehon holds her baby and watches the man she loves suffer.
Roger spots the whisky barrel and runs for it. Kaheroton tries to stop him but Roger throws the barrel on the fire and the flames engulf Alexandre killing him quickly.
Johiehon kisses her child and sets her down. She then climbs into the fire and wraps herself around Alexandre, dying with him as Kaheroton screams out and Roger watches horrified.
Kaheroton gathers up the child, cradling it as he cries over Johiehon.
Some Mohawk haul Roger up and take him back to the hut which Roger calls the idiot hut.