Jamie, Claire and Young Ian’s attempt to rescue Roger from his Mohawk captors goes awry when a ghost from Claire’s past lays waste to their plan. Meanwhile, Brianna worries Claire, Jamie and Roger might not return.
Man of Worth opens in New York in 1770 with Roger in the idiot hut at Shadow Lake. Jamie is outside the village in the woods checking things out. He senses there is someone watching him and returns to Young Ian and Claire to tell them their presence is known.
The trio move towards the village intent on trading for Roger. As they approach the Mohawk signal each other to the presence of strangers. Jamie announces they are there to trade and Young Ian tells the Mohawk they are looking for the man they sold to the Mohawk. Young Ian recognizes Kaheroton who he sold Roger too. Wahkatiiosta and Kaheroton speak and tell the others to bring the strangers before their Chief Tehwahsehwke.
Tehwahsehwke comes from his long house and Kaheroton tells him they are searching for Dogface. He tells them they must be good friends to come bearing so much. The three start showing their wares: whisky, blankets, pots, and Claire offers her scarf. When she removes it, Otter Tooth’s necklace is revealed shocking the Mohawk who see it.
Claire is willing to trade the stone for Roger but Tehwahsehwke seems frightened of the stone and tells them they will not trade and must leave at once. They are given not choice and the three leave. But next to Tehwahsehwke stands Wahkatiiosta who appears to disagree.
Murtagh pulls up to River Run and is given a great meal by Jocasta who comments on his arrest. Brianna mentioned his arrest and Jocasta wants to know what he did. The rumors are he’s with the Regulators or if it was the errand Jamie sent him on. Murtagh tells her it is both which doesn’t seem to surprise Jocasta who knows Murtagh can always find trouble. She suggests he doesn’t stay. Murtagh wants to look in on Brianna but Jocasta is caring for her though she seems to be in low spirits.
Jocasta let’s slip the news of John and Brianna’s engagement which upsets Murtagh. Murtagh begins to protest but Jocasta shuts him down and tells Ulysses to prepare a bedchamber for Murtagh until he can go in the morning.
Upstairs, Phaedre is checking Brianna to make sure the baby is in a good position. Bree comments on her drawing not being perfect and Phaedre seems to know Bree’s concern isn’t the painting and reassures her the baby will be perfect.
Back in New York, Jamie tells Claire he’s going back to rescue Roger. Claire is concerned just being outside the village isn’t safe let alone going back. As they set up camp, Jamie senses they aren’t alone and warns Young Ian and Claire.
Wahkatiiosta and some Mohawk rush into the clearing and Jamie gets the upper have over one. They want the stone but Claire says only if they help get Roger back. Wahkatiiosta threatens to take it by force or return later. Claire asks her name and then asks why the stone is so important.
The Mohawk sit down and tell their story of Otter Tooth. Otter Tooth came to them and spoke of the future where he came from. He told them to kill the white men before they can kill them. He danced a war dance and convinced some warriors to go with him. They took scalps of the white men nearby but this man the elders angry. Otter Tooth was banished but he didn’t go far and ranted and raved. They thought him possessed. He kept returning and they painted his face for death but he escaped. They warriors chased him for day and when they caught him they killed him but they continued to hear his words even after removing his head. The chief Tehwahsehwke was one of these men. He took the head and buried it far away. Someone who finds the stone will know what happens to the Mohawk and Otter Tooth will walk with them.
Claire tells her she got lost in a storm. She took cover under and fallen tree where he came to her. She believes a ghost is only there when there is a message to relay.
Wahkatiiosta believes Otter Tooth and thinks the stone will help them to see what is coming. Claire asks that they help get Roger back and they can have the stone.
At River Run, Murtagh is with Brianna and asks about the wedding. Bree tells him it was just a way to delay because of Jocasta’s plans to marry her off. She just wants to wait for Roger. Then he wants to know why she’d go see Bonnet and she tells him about Jamie’s advice on forgiveness. It gave her some peace. Murtagh wants Bree to forgive Jamie but Bree tells him she already has.
In New York; Jamie, Claire, Young Ian, Wahkatiiosta and her men enter the village intent on liberating Roger. They make it to the hut and Jamie and Claire go in to get Roger.
Roger is shocked to see Claire and then upset to see Jamie who tells him he did wrong but came to make it right.
A warrior discovers them and Wahkatiiosta asks him not to tell the others but he fires a shot to alert the others. Jamie, Claire and Roger try to make their way to the river with the help of their Mohawk friends but they are soon overrun and Young Ian appears already captured. Claire screams out Peace stopping the fight.
They all go before Tehwahsehwke and Wahkatiiosta is banished from the village told she will never be Mohawk again. He then tells the trio that Otter Tooth brought this strife on them and tells them to leave. Jamie wants to take Roger but the Chief says there was not trade. Jamie offers himself as a trade and tells Young Ian to convince them.
Claire is pleading with Jamie not to do it and Jamie tells her he’ll escape and return to her. Tehwahsehwke accepts their offer and Young Ian announces he is the one staying. Ian apologizes for his part in Roger’s fate. Jamie tells Young Ian to escape but Ian tells him he gave his word and he’ll stay. Jamie doesn’t think he can part with Ian but Ian makes him promise to leave. Ian tells Jamie he wanted him to become a man of worth. They say their goodbyes before leaving Ian and going.
At River Run, Murtagh is taking some whisky in the parlor with Jocasta. She seems worried about him though he intends to return to the Regulators. He tries to convince her and tells her with her standing she could do something. Jocasta thinks that is the whole reason he’s there. She gets upset and accuses him of scheming to get what he wants. He calls her a lunatic and she tells him she never liked him. He’d come to Leoch stay past his welcome drinking and gripping. She can’t believe she let him darken her door. She goes to leave but when Murtagh grabs her she throws her drink in his face.
The next morning, Murtagh and Jocasta have clearly taken their passions to bed. Murtagh wants her to return to bed and she wants to know if he must go. But he knows the Redcoats will be looking for him and doesn’t wish to bring that to her. She tells him breakfast is waiting and he wants her to let it wait.
In the woods, Claire and Jamie worry about telling Jenny about Young Ian. Roger attacks Jamie and Jamie lets him beat on him.
Back in the Mohawk village, Young Ian is put through the gauntlet. He is more prepared and while he does take a beating he makes it to Tehwahsehwke and becomes one of the tribe.
In the woods, Roger runs out of steam and asks where Brianna is. Claire tells him she’s with Jocasta and sent them for him. He’s overjoyed thinking she had him beaten. Jamie explains he didn’t know who he was. Claire tells him it was a misunderstanding but Roger doesn’t get it.
Claire kneels down and tells Roger Brianna was attacked. He asks what she means and Jamie tells him after Roger left Brianna she was raped and he mistook him for her attacker.
Roger is upset and asks who. Jamie tells him it was Bonnet and Roger is just flabbergasted. He tells them he was the captain of the ship he came over on. Jamie calls him a coward for leaving Brianna and Roger hits him. Jamie tells him that is the last unanswered blow but Roger wants them to know he left because Brianna told him too. He came back but Bonnet forced him back on the ship and took him up the coast. He shows them to stones he got so they could go back through the stones.
Roger tells them about the stones between New York and Fraser’s Ridge. Claire explains Brianna can’t go back because she’s pregnant and she will have had the baby and you can’t take a child through the stones. Claire says Bree has to stay and Jamie offers that Roger does not. Roger won’t leave her and his child and Claire explains the child might be Bonnet’s. Roger asks when and Claire tells him he same night.
Jamie wants to know if Roger and be with Bree if the baby is Bonnets. Claire wants him to have a moment to think but Jamie wants him to choose now. Roger wants time and Claire offers it.
Back at River Run, Bree gives birth and Jocasta tells her they can choose the baby’s birthday after the wedding. Bree is brought her son and she’s seems to fall madly in love with him.
Two months later, Brianna and Murtagh are sitting with the baby when Phaedre brings news of riders. Brianna goes out to greet them and finds only Jamie and Claire. Jamie tells her Roger is alive and Claire adds they told him everything.
Inside, Claire and Jamie are getting to know the baby who Brianna hasn’t named because she’s been waiting for Roger to return. Claire thanks Jocasta for helping Bree but Jocasta tells her it was a pleasure.
Claire goes up to check on Bree while Jamie asks Murtagh about Bonnet who relays their troubles and that Bonnet died in the explosion.
Upstairs, Claire tells Bree she wants to take her home to Fraser’s Ridge where she’ll be surrounded by family.
Later at dinner everyone is quiet around the table without Brianna who seems to be mourning Roger. Bree comes down and joins them to everyone’s happiness and relief.
The next day, Jamie is thanking Jocasta and Claire invites her to Fraser’s Ridge.
Meanwhile, upstairs Bree is packing when she notices a figure coming up the road. She runs downstairs and out the front running towards Roger who has returned to her. Roger meets her and the two embrace. Bree tells him she worried he wouldn’t come and he tells her he’s stubborn but not a fool. He confesses his love and she kisses him, saying she loves him too. Roger then asks about the bairn who Bree says is a boy. Roger then asks to see his son which delights Bree.
Some Redcoats rush up the road and Bree worries over Murtagh. She starts to warn Murtagh but Roger stops her.
Inside Phaedre announces the soldiers and Jocasta goes to Murtagh who embraces her. She tells him to hide and orders Ulysses to hide him. The soldier is looking for Jamie with a letter from Governor Tryon ordering him to muster men to fight the Regulators but first he is to hunt down and kill Murtagh.