Following celebrations in honor of Brianna and Roger’s wedding, Governor Tryon reminds Jamie of his obligation to hunt down and kill Murtagh Fitzgibbons.
Jamie’s mother has died and Murtagh approaches a young Jamie to tell him he made an oath when Jamie was born to be there for him and serve him and he’ll always be there for him.
Jamie assists Roger with shaving with a cut-throat razor rather than the safety razors he’d be used too. Jamie and Claire now have the Big House and have given Roger and Brianna the cabin. Bree and Roger want to add a loft though Jamie seems skeptical he can accomplish it. Roger believes he’ll find a profession he can do since he can’t do much of the things Jamie has learned to do his entire life. Jamie gives Roger a ring for Brianna which Murtagh made and Roger is surprised it is so nice which Jamie acknowledges means it is fit for his daughter.
Brianna is getting married and Claire is helping her get ready while Jamie is in the other room preparing the traditional objects one carries on their wedding day (something old, new, borrowed, blue, six pence in their shoe). Claire and Brianna have a moment before Jamie comes in with the accoutrements he’s collected. Brianna is pleased he remembered and lets Jamie know she’ll always be his little girl when he expresses a little distress about giving her away so soon after getting her back.
Jamie, Claire and Brianna then walk outside the Big House to where their guests are all gathered for the wedding. Jamie walks Brianna up to Roger at the alter and the two exchange vows while the other couples in the audience remember their own weddings including Claire and himself.
Then the party begins. However there is an unwelcome guest in the form of Governor Tyron. Tryon has business but is willing to wait until after the festivities in honor of Jamie’s daughter. But Tryon makes it clear he is upset Jamie hasn’t found Murtagh and his trust is waning.
Roger encounters Germain who informs him his Grandpere things all Protestants have hair ticks (heretics). Roger and Bree cut the cake while discussing Jamie’s dislike for Roger. Bree thinks he’ll come around. Jocasta congratulations them and asks that Roger comes by her pavilion to speak with her. Roger comments about them returning to the future.
The festivities continue into the night and Bree goes looking for Jamie for a dance but overhears Lord John and Jamie discussing sightings of Bonnet much to her horror. She returns to Claire when goes off to dance with Roger.
As things wind down the couples go off to be together. Jocasta goes off with Ulysses to a shed where Murtagh is waiting for her. Murtagh asks she imagine a woodland palace built by nymphs.
Jamie and Claire are left with Jemmy for the night while Brianna and Roger retire to their cabin. They discuss Tryon being unsatisfied by Jamie’s dispatches but Jamie needs to keep Tryon on his side. They try to be quiet while making love so as not to wake Jemmy.
Brianna and Roger have a drink and Roger sings L-O-V-E to Brianna. They dance and then they also make love. However, after they’ve made love it is clear Brianna is very upset.
Outside Marsali tells Fergus she’s pregnant again.
The next day, Jocasta asks where Murtagh’s mind has gone and he says if he was a different man they’d have more time together. Jocasta informs him Duncan Innes has proposed to her and she’s yet to give him an answer. Duncan is a man known to both Jamie and Murtagh as he was in Ardsmuir with them. Murtagh seems upset but won’t interfere with her happiness which is clearly not what she wanted to hear.
Claire is in her surgery taking care of patients, Lizzie is outside talking with Josiah Beardsley. She’s clearly smitten. Jamie arrives and takes Josiah in to see Claire.
Roger goes to speak with Jocasta who informs him she’s no longer leaving her money to Brianna but to wee Jeremiah as she knows a woman’s property becomes her husbands and protestants are fond of divorce. Then she states Roger will treat Jem well if he knows he has good prospects. She then drives home he might not feel kindly as Jem isn’t his. Roger gets upset and tells her he doesn’t want her money and his son won’t have it. Ulysses asks if Roger’s reaction was as hoped and she says, “even better.”
Claire finds Josiah has abscessed tonsils though she can remove them but it isn’t necessary for her to do it now. Josiah clearly has a T branded on his hand. Jamie wants Josiah there to hunt for the ridge while he’s away.
Jamie goes to find Tyron and is informed he wants Murtagh and his insurgents caught. He wants Murtagh hung. Tryon essentially insults Jamie because he’s a Scot Jamie holds his tongue and bows to Tyron. Knox tells Jamie they should leave within the week.
Roger find Bree and Jem in the cabin and pledges a blood oath to Jem as his father saying Jem is blood of his blood and bone of his bone.
Jamie goes in search of his kilt and finery because he’s going to give Tryon the Scot he wanted and to ensure the men of the ridge are loyal to him. Roger is going to have to go as well.
Jamie comes out in his finery and lights a large cross in the yard. Everyone gathers around and Jamie tells them it is a custom of the Highlands but he’s not their chief. They are friends and neighbors and he will pledge to be there for them should they pledge to stand by his side and fight with him. Jamie then calls on Roger who looks dumbstruck. Isaiah takes up the call and pledges the same pledge Jamie gave Colum.
Brianna wants to know what is going on and Claire says while the men are there he is securing their future.
Jamie then calls on: Roger MacKenzie the son of my house. Roger comes forward and Jamie announces he’ll be his Captain and tells him to stay by his side. Jamie tells him to repeat what he says but Roger gives the same pledge as Isaiah. It is then Fergus’s turn: Son of my name and of my heart. The men line up all to make their pledge.
On the hill above the ridge a cross has been placed for Jamie to lite when it is time for battle.
Jamie finds Murtagh in the forest to pass along the developments. Jamie wants Murtagh to wait so they can fight on the same side. Murtagh can’t wait. He has to do what he must. Jamie knows it isn’t safe for Murtagh to keep returning to him and releases him from the pledge he made when Jamie was born. Murtagh is surprised and Jamie tells him to go and be hard to find. Murtagh leaves and Jamie breaks down. It seems like he’s losing another father.