The Regulator Rebellion reaches a boiling point, forcing Jamie to face his fear and confront the consequence of his divided loyalties.
Hillsborough 1771
Roger sings O My Darling Clementine to Jemmy promising to sing to him when he returns from the front lines. Brianna, Lizzie and Jem are staying with the Sherstons, as close as they can get to the front. Roger tells Brianna he barely knew his father before he died in WWII and Jemmy’s even younger. Brianna comforts him and tells must keep his promise to his son. They two say their goodbyes and Roger heads out.
In camp, Jamie is taking stock of his body on his 50th birthday, a day his father never saw. Claire and he joke everything seems to be in working order. Claire admits she too takes stock before every birthday. Then Claire gives Jamie his “present” while singing Happy Birthday to him.
On the field, Tryon is showing the men the munitions which were sent from New York. Jamie shows concern the Regulators will not have such weapons but Tryon is unconcerned.
Roger arrives and Jamie tells him to fall in.
Jamie gives out cockades to signify who is part of Fraser Company which will help them tell who is a Regulator. Isaiah Morton shows wanting a cockade. Lionel Brown questions him about Alicia’s whereabouts and Morton says she’s at home. Lionel thinks Alicia should be with his family and Claire tells him it was her choice which doesn’t make him happy. Jamie pulls Morton aside telling him he shouldn’t have come. Morton wanted to repay the debt he had to Jamie. Jamie tells the men Morton is willing to lay down his life and if they aren’t willing to fight with him they can go. Richard Brown says because there is a war to fight the unpleasantness between them should be forgotten but clearly it is not.
Jamie overhears the Findlay’s talking about hunting and warns them they shouldn’t hesitate when fighting or they will end up getting killed.
Chadwick tells Tryon the munitions which were on their way were destroyed by Murtagh and his men. The Regulator’s are across the creek. Tryon says they will engage them here.
Jamie tells Claire he didn’t see Murtagh but say Brianna Cranna and Lee Withers. Ronnie Sinclair reports a minister from the other side has come with a petition for the governor.
Tryon meets the minister with their petition but Tryon doesn’t take it seriously believing he’s already done what they are requesting but he’ll consider it. When the minister leaves Tryon orders for the men to be prepared throughout the night. Jamie asks why he doesn’t consider parley but Tryon clearly won’t be swayed from his actions.
At the Sherstons, Mr. Sherston comes in with new or the battle and where everyone is positioned. He shows Brianna a map with the Alamance Creek. This name tickles Brianna’s memory and she’s sure something happened there.
Brianna races to the front.
In the creek, Jamie is ritually washing himself. He cuts his hand and say some sort of prayer. Claire asks if God has an answer but Jamie says he was calling on Dougal. Claire is skeptical about that considering how things ended with him. Jamie says he was a war chief who taught him everything he knows. He let’s Claire know Tryon is set on his course and hopes Dougal will help him.
Brianna arrives and let’s Jamie, Claire and Roger know she remembered something. She remembers the fight will be at the Creek and the militia will win. Alamance is what sparks the American Revolution. Jamie wants to warn Murtagh but Brianna is concerned if they stop the fight the Revolutionary War won’t happen and there will be no America.
Roger volunteers to take the message to Murtagh because he’s the only one who can. Jamie tells him to keep the cockade in his pocket and should he be troubled to wave a white cloth and cry truce and have them fetch him.
Roger sets off across the Creek as Claire goes over her medical supplies with Brianna. Bree is worried about Roger and Claire says the flag of truce will keep him safe. But Bree points out he won’t be safe if the shooting starts.
Roger finds Murtagh riling up the Regulators. Murtagh notices Roger and the two go off to talk. Roger tells him the outcome of the fight. They should disperse. Murtagh doesn’t think the men will go. Roger tells him they can’t win against the militia but Murtagh thinks they can. Roger says Tryon has cannon and history has been written, they will lose. Murtagh says that means he fights then. He can’t tell the men to give up fighting for what they believe in. Roger tells him in a few years they will all be fighting on the same side. Murtagh says a few years is a lot to someone who has lost everything.
Murtagh reads off Tryon’s response which is basically that he’s done everything he can. He tells them to lay down their arms and give up their leaders. Otherwise they are in rebellion against their king, country and laws.
Murtagh comes back to Roger and says he talked to the men but they are going to fight. Murtagh sends him away but Roger asks for him to leave for Jamie’s sake.
Roger is headed back to camp when he comes across Morag MacKenzie. He tells her about Jem and then tries to warn her but she drops something and the two hit heads. Roger tells her about Tryon and the cannons and they should leave before the fighting starts but Morag asks where they will go. She puts her hands to her stomach and he realizes she’s pregnant. He tells her if anything happens she should come to Fraser’s Ridge where they will be welcome and he can take care of them. He hugs her but her husband takes offense.
In camp, Jamie is looking for Roger but no one has seen him. Tryon calls Jamie and tells him he thinks he’d look good in an officers coat. Jamie feigns unworthiness but Tryon insists and Jamie is clothed in a red coat.
In the forest, Roger apologizes and says he was on the Gloriana with them. Morag tells William Roger is the one who saved them on the Gloriana. Williams friends call him Buck and asks who Roger is. Buck means to find out but Morag tries to defend him. Buck goes to hit her and Roger steps in and punches him. Roger tries to leave but Buck’s friends capture him. They discover he is of the militia. Roger lets him know he has a wife but Buck isn’t impressed and insults Brianna.
Roger says if they let him go he’ll say no ill against him for Morag’s sake. Buck says he won’t speak against him and hits him in the face with the butt of a rifle.
In camp, Jamie comes to Claire in his red coat shocking her. He says Tryon insisted. Jamie tells her there is no sign of Roger and the battle is upon them. Claire tells him good luck but also that she loves him. Jamie assures her they won’t be parting today.
On the field, things start and Jamie is reluctant to start the fight but Tryon insists and Jamie tells them to fire as the Regulators come out of the woods. The fighting begins in earnest and in the woods Jamie has his men take cover. He tells them to fight as the Regulators do. Jamie and Myers go out together.
Morton is firing when he is shot in the back.
Claire and Brianna are helping the wounded but Brianna is also worrying about Roger. Morton is dragged into the medical tent. Morton wants Claire to tell Ally he loves her. Lionel is injured and Richard asks what she’s giving him and she says something to heal him. They notice Morton and says he was running away but Claire knows he was shot in the back. Lionel gets mad and crushes her syringe.
On the field the Regulators are fleeing, dying and being captured. Jamie is being shot at by Withers but tells him he doesn’t want to shoot him. Withers pulls a gun and Murtagh saves him and is then shot himself but a Findlay who didn’t waver. Jamie takes Murtagh to a tree and is trying to put pressure on the wound but he is bleeding badly.
Jamie tells him he shouldn’t have saved him. Murtagh says he’d never betray his mother. Murtagh then tells him not to be afraid it doesn’t hurt to die. Murtagh dies and Jamie loses it. He starts screaming for help. Myers and Lindsay appear and help him get Murtagh to Claire.
In the tent, Jamie demands she save Murtagh. Both Brianna and Claire know he’s gone. He yells at her to save him but she tells him she can’t because he’s gone. Jamie tells Murtagh he can’t leave him and then realizes it is too late. Jamie stumbles out of the tent in shock.
Claire says goodbye to Murtagh.
Jamie comes across Tryon and is upset by the slaughtering of innocent men. Jamie tells him he killed and maimed and brought cannon on his citizens but history will say he preserved order. But Jamie tells him they both know what happen here. He kindled a war for the sake of his own glory. Tryon denies it but Jamie says he’ll get the Governorship of New York. Jamie says he’s done his duty and throws the coat back to him. Jamie stumbles to their fire upset.
In the tent, Claire takes Murtagh’s badge and covers him with a sheet.
Jamie comes across Bree standing at the tree line looking for Roger an realizes Roger still hasn’t come back.
Jamie, his men, Brianna and Claire go looking through the prisoners and the wounded asking after Captain MacKenzie. The come to a clearing where men have been hanged. Jamie asks why the men were hanged and Chadwick says Tryon ordered the executions of some prisoners. Jamie approaches and notices one man has a white handkerchief in his pocket. He says his name and all look on him in shock. Jamie has the men help him cut Roger down as Brianna looks on in shock and horror.