Claire struggles with her demons as a nefarious rumor begins to spread on the Ridge. Tensions rise as the residents fear there is a dangerous person in their midst.
Sticks and Stones opens with Malva is standing before the congregations telling them the devil is real. “They says he comes in the guise of an angel. But he spoke to me in the guise of a man. Seduced me. I lost my innocence. It was stolen. Taken by someone I trusted, who made promises. Who was supposed to be kind to me.” She asks for forgiveness and kindness.
One has to wonder what her little speech is saying. We are supposed to think she’s talking about Jamie and yet we all know she is not. So who was supposed to “be kind to her?”

Claire’s Garden
Allan covers up Malva and the baby while Tom looks on with what seems to be sadness and horror. Allan asks if Claire saw someone but she did not. Allan wonders how she couldn’t have seen something and why did she come out with a knife. Claire says it was a pruning knife. Allan obviously believes Claire killed Malva. Claire tells Tom she was trying to save the baby. Tom wants to know if her death was swift and when Claire confirms it would have been; Tom is saddened she wouldn’t have time to ask God for forgiveness. Tom doesn’t want them buried in a proper graveyard because of their status as “whore” and “illegitimate child”. Jamie will have none of that and says they will be buried in his graveyard as it is his land after the funeral.
Tom clearly has no thoughts of a funeral because he has no idea what can be said of Malva at a funeral. Claire tells him she was full of life. She says none are perfect and our faults make us need love more. Tom is clearly moved but doesn’t know what else to do. Claire is willing to clean up the body but Allan isn’t happy.

The Big House
Malva is laid out in the surgery. Claire is trying to get to the business of sowing up Malva’s wounds and cleaning her up but her mind flashes to the past: Malva talking about the phosphorus, Malva insulting her in her dream, and Malva knocking before she was killed. All the while Lionel Brown is taunting her with Malva’s death and the guilt Claire has over it. He tells her Jamie can’t save her from herself and taps his head as if to say she’s losing her mind.
I have to say this whole thing with Claire losing her mind does such a disservice to Claire. I keep hearing that SHOW Claire has been through so much and it makes sense for SHOW Claire to be suffering… but it doesn’t. Just like the books, the traumas of Claire’s life are things she deals with at the time generally. Claire and Jamie had learned to cope with their trauma with the help of each other. After Jamie is raped in the first book (and season one), Jamie wants to die and Claire goes into the depths of hell to pull him back. She tries very hard to break into his trauma to hold that little part of himself he has left. Jamie does this for her whenever possible. It is part of the Jamie and Claire dynamic. They are in tune with each other on a very deep level. The things coming at Claire in so many of these flashbacks are more than just Lionel Brown. We hear Frank and BJR come through. We hear Geillis Duncan.

Claire rushes out of the surgery into the parlour and pours herself a whisky and then another. Jamie comes in to find her drinking, “I wouldna blame ye if there was none left.” It has been a horrible day.
Jamie has sent Ian out to warn everyone there is a possible murderer on the Ridge. Ian is going to warn Roger and Bree. The two speculate as to who would do such a thing but Mrs. Bug interrupts with news of Hiram Crombie’s presence outside. Mrs. Bug wants to know what happened and expects Claire to have hated Malva for confessing her child was Mr. Fraser’s. Mrs. Bug apparently thought Malva was trouble from the beginning but Claire didn’t think so.
Mrs. Bug. Why? Why did the show runners decide to make you this horrible woman who we can barely stand? Why don’t we get to see the grandmotherly figure to the children? Why don’t we see the woman who is constantly helping Claire and feeding those who come to the Fraser’s door? Why do we not get to see the love between Mr. and Mrs. Bug? These two are like Jamie and Claire in the fact that they would do just about anything for one another and we don’t get to see an ounce of it. It is just so disappointing.
Mrs. Bug wants to know if she should show Mr. Crombie in as he wants to see the dead lass for himself. Jamie isn’t having it and says to make him wait outside. Claire goes to her surgery while Jamie goes out to see Hiram.
Jamie goes out to talk to Hiram who is so clearly upset. Hiram wants to know if Claire forgave him for lying with Malva but Jamie’s temper is getting the better of him. He goes as far as threatening Hiram for suggesting Claire murdered Malva.
Claire is listening at the window to her surgery and closes it. But Lionel is there to taught her more with the idea that those on the Ridge believe she’s a murderer. Claire does back to sowing up Malva but Lionel won’t be ignored. Claire can’t take it and goes for the ether but Lionel goes on telling her about how selfish she is.
Claire doesn’t take the ether but again I’m annoyed with this story line. There is no way in hell, Claire would be dosing herself with ether. First, despite what the show told us (through Claire), it is dangerous. Too much could suppress her breathing and kill her. Secondly, it is flammable and we see Claire place it near a flame on more than one occasion. Something BOOK Claire wouldn’t do. She knows that it could be the source of the fire the Ridge is supposed to have per Brianna and Roger coming back in time. Claire would NOT abuse ether.

Roger and Brianna are in the dinning room. Roger wants to go see Tom and Allan as he believes he should be comforting them. Bree tells him not to worry. They won’t expect him as they know he’s not the minister. I keep wondering if Bree is being deliberately obtuse. Clearly Roger likes being the minister.
Clearly the comment stings Roger who knows Brianna means no harm. Jamie comes in telling Brianna it is her turn to pacify Mrs. Bug. Lizzie rushes in to tell Jamie Obadiah Henderson in outside. Brianna wonders what Lizzie has been up to because she’s got foxtails in her hair. Clearly, Lizzie’s been rolling around with someone… I’d say any guesses but they are going to tell us.
Roger and Jamie go to speak with Obadiah who is upset that Ian has been asking questions. He also wants to complain about Ian punching him earlier and Roger points out that Obadiah was a particular friend of Malva’s. Obadiah doesn’t like where this is going, feeling like he’s being accused of something and wonders if Claire cut the baby out after Malva was dead or before, which instantly gets Jamie’s ire up. But now Obadiah asks if he’s going to threaten him like he did Hiram. Me thinks, Jamie isn’t helping.
Roger comes out as says, he saw Obadiah with Malva but Obadiah says he hadn’t seen her in weeks. Still, how far along was Malva?

Night falls and Ian returns finding Lizzie in the stables. He asks her if she’s seen the Bearsleys because he can’t seem to find them. Lizzie is concerned people will believe they has something to do with Malva. Ian wants to know if she’s hiding something because Jamie will ask where they were.
Later at supper, Jamie does asks where they were and Ian lies for them (searching on their own) which relieve Lizzie. But Ian tells of the Sin Eater who died in his cabin though oddly he was missing fingers. Brianna grabs onto this telling them of the love charm they found. Ian wonders if a jealous woman made it and killed Malva.
Where is Perry Mason when you need him? Just great. A 20th century reference that Ian doesn’t get.
Roger asks who has the means, motive, and the opportunity? Claire walks in saying, “Me.”
That night, Claire confesses to dosing herself when she though Malva was coming to the house. Jamie is rightfully shocked (because he knows the writers have messed up Claire). Claire goes on to tell him she has the half remember dream of Malva banging on the door and her losing her temper. But Jamie tells her Malva was killed before she got to the house so her mind is just tricking her. Claire is worried that everyone believes she’s killed Malva. Jamie tries to reassure her. And, of course, at night Claire sees Lionel sitting in the corner of their room. UGH!
The next morning, Claire is watching from the window as settlers come for some grain only to catch sight of Claire and start whispering about her.
We see Roger working on his sermon at home. Josiah, Kezzie and Lizzie getting a dress from Tom for Malva’s burial. Allan making coffins.
Claire is still suffering through Lionel but Jamie brings her back to herself and they go down for breakfast. Ian is waiting and has something to tell them about Lizzie. Lizzie is with child. It isn’t his and Jamie demands to know who. Ian simply says Beardsley and when Jamie asks which one, Ian tells them Lizzie doesn’t know.
Jamie and Claire are both shocked to learn she’s been with both of the Beardsley twins. Another scandal they can’t afford right now. While having nothing to do with Claire, the girls works and lives in their home so the speculation could be Claire’s influence or Jamie again. Jamie will see one of them wed to Lizzie.

The Cabin
Bree brings Roger one of this papers that got away from him. He’s working on the sermon for Malva’s funeral. Bree tells him Jemmy is worried about ghosts as he heard Mr. Bug tell Mrs. Bug that all murdered people turn into ghosts. Roger says to tell him there is nothing to be afraid of and to say a prayer. But Jemmy worried about his granny turning him into a ghost. Apparently, the fisherfolk are saying Claire killed Malva.

The Big House
Claire is confronting Lizzie and making sure it was her choice. Clearly Lizzie is into it and has no issue with there being two of them. She goes on to tell about her malaria coming back and the Beardsley’s helping to put the ointment all over her and then she was shivering so they all got naked to warm her. Seriously? So very much from the book but I always think Lizzie is the seducer here. She has them rub her down! Oh well. Of course, the Beardsley lad doesn’t want to spoil his shirt… I mean excuses.
The sad thing is that when this happens in the books, Joseph Wemyss is around. Lizzie’s father. Jamie has brought him over from Scotland and he is not happy about this.
Lizzie tells Claire they didn’t trick her but in the book it is exactly what they did until Lizzie doesn’t care much and wants them both. Claire tells her she must choose as she can’t have them both and Jamie will decide for her.

Outside, Roger is waiting for Arch Bug and confronts him about what he said and the man is so disrespectful to his laird’s good son. Roger just wants Mr. Bug to be careful but Mr. Bug tells him, “ye canna shelter the lad from such things forever.” He basically insinuates Roger is a lay about or too squeamish to help out. I’m unsure where Mr. Bug gets this idea as we know Roger has been helping build cabins, and going off to fight with Jamie. So yeah what?
Roger and Jamie go out into the field. I’m so glad Roger brings up the “thou shalt not kill” and Jamie tells him, “‘Tis no good to quote ‘thou shalt not kill.’ In the Greek and Hebrew scriptures the word ‘murder’ is used… Malva was murdered.” In other words, killing to defend not murder. Roger confesses his desire to become a minister and Jamie isn’t that surprised. Jamie seems to be proud of him. Roger needs to be ordained and when he does he can’t fight in a war but he can defend his family. Jamie tells him Bree has eyes and will see it too.
Back inside, Claire goes to dress Malva but Lionel continues to taunt her with more of the same. Claire doses herself and sees more horrible images and memories… I just can’t.
The Meeting House
Jamie and Claire go to the funeral and Jamie is trying to be a comfort but I’m just sure it’s working.
Roger preaches we are all sinners and God forgives… well that is the jist.
Allan, Hiram, Tom, and Young Ian carry out Malva’s coffin. Claire sees the babies coffin and grabs it up to follow but Allan takes offense and snatches it back from her before yelling at her, “they’re dead because of you.” Allan believes they took his sister and yet nothing has changed in their perfect lives. I mean he seems to be fixated on how much the Fraser’s have which bugs me.

The Big House
Jamie goes in to speak with Lizzie. He wants her to choose but she refuses because she loves them both. Jamie tells her she has to think of her child and that means not painting its mother a whore. Lizzie defends herself say she isn’t a whore and Jamie agrees. He didn’t say she was but other will and they will take it out on her child.
They find the Beardsley’s in the stable and Jamie gives them straws to see who wins her hand. It turns out to be Kezzie and Jamie hand-fasts them there on the spot. He tells Josiah he must leave until after the baby is born.
I love this:
“Please, Mr. Fraser… Are we goin’ to do it here in the stables?”
“Christ was born in a manger. It was good enough for Him –“

The Cabin
Bree is sad people don’t believe Malva’s baby is in heaven because it wasn’t baptized. Roger doesn’t want to believe it but as a minister he’s not certain. Bree is glad he more husband than minister. Roger confesses he wants to be a minister but never loved the way Claire was always called off to be a doctor and doesn’t want that. Roger says he was called to be her husband first and she seems to go along with it. She knows he wants it but wonders about her being a Catholic. Roger doesn’t care if they have an issue with her being Catholic.

The Big House
The next day, Claire sees Lizzie who just walks away. Lizzie asks why she’s avoiding her. Lizzie doesn’t want Josiah to go away. Lizzie says she’s the one who came to the surgery door but it was locked. She was going to tell Claire but no one answered. Claire realizes she did have a thing to do with Malva’s murder.

Claire goes into her surgery and seems to have some measure of relief. She puts the ether away, feeling some happiness until Lionel returns to her. She may not have killed Malva herself but she led her astray which led to her death.
Claire flees her surgery and Jamie notices. He confronts her and asks what is it. He does to check her surgery but she doesn’t want him to. He goes in, clearly not seeing Lionel, and looks around. There is nothing to see. Claire enters and tells him she feels like she’s going crazy.
Claire worries part for her wanted to hurt Malva just like she wanted to hurt Laoghaire. She confesses to seeing Lionel Brown, taunting her and taking the ether drowns him out. Everything of their pasts is all coming flooding bad to her and she’s thinking all her decisions to be with him makes everything that happened her fault. Everything that has happened to Bree to Roger.
Jamie has to remind her that without her Bree wouldn’t be born. She brought Roger and Bree together to have children. What about Fergus and Marsali and their children. “Without ye, our whole world crumbles to dust.”
Jamie wants her to let him in like he let her in after Wentworth. He doesn’t want her sentencing herself to things no one is accusing her of. “If it is a sin for you to choose me, then I would go to the Devil himself and bless him for tempting ye to it.” Claire confesses she’s do it all again.
The show would have us believe Claire feels she has done wrong to people by wanting to be with Jamie so badly. Bree was raped. Roger sold to the Mohawk. Seriously? First, Bree came back of her own volition. And the only person to blame for Bree’s rape is Stephen Bonney himself. We all know Claire knows this which is why Bree is told it also isn’t her fault. And Roger being sold. Hello, that is so Jamie and Ian’s fault. In the book, they meet Roger on the road and beat him up thinking he’s the man who raped Bree. They don’t even let him say his peace.
This idea that Claire is loosing her faculties because of all the bad stuff that has happened over her entire life is pushing it to the extreme.
The Cabin
Lizzie is there with Josiah wanting Roger to hand-fast them. Kezzie can witness. Lizzie tells Brianna she’s with child and they love each other so very much. Brianna is happy for them and tells Roger to do it.
The next morning, Jamie and Claire are seeing Roger and Brianna off to Edenton (they are going to looking into the Presbytery) when Brianna gives a small silver brooch to Claire for Lizzie and Josiah as a wedding gift. Claire is shocked and Brianna says Roger married them last night.
Jamie is in disbelief and says he hand-fasted Lizzie and Kezzie yesterday afternoon. Roger doesn’t think his is valid then but Jamie is mad.

The Big House
Jamie is telling Claire what he will say to the “unholy trinity.” They hear a thundering of hooves and Jamie goes to see the Richard Brown’s Committee of Safety. They are there to arrest Claire for the murder of Malva Christie.

I wish the Lizzie situation would have been handled with the humor of the book, even if the whole thing is such a mess. I really hope this is the last we see of Claire’s false guilt. And I want them to kill the Browns and stop this farce of a murder charge.
In the book, it is very drawn out and I’m hoping they are able to resolve this without the misadventures of the book because that was one of the only things in the book I just didn’t love.

Show Watchers: Any question I posed which is explained in the books is purely for the show watcher. I know who, what, when and where about the Outlander series. I just want to get us all discussing.