Recap: 709 Unfinished Business

Jamie, Claire, and Ian return to Lallybroch. Ian reconnects with his family in a time of need, while Claire deals with the fallout from a long-held secret. Roger and Buck search for Jemmy in the past.

I’m very much behind but life has been busy and I’m going to attempt to get caught up.


Jamie, Claire, and Young Ian brought Simon Fraser back to Scotland for a burial and then make their way to Lallybroch where we meet our new Jenny. Jenny is stunned by Young Ian’s appearance but is overjoyed to see Ian and Jamie. Michael and Jamie Murry greet them but are back because Ian Sr. is on his deathbed.

Inside, Ian is coughing. They all greet Ian. Jenny tells Claire Ian has been coughing since he came back from Tolbooth after they had all the debt from after Culloden. The cough has gotten worse recently. Ian is dying of consumption.

In the Laird’s room, Jamie tells Claire he feels out of place, much as she said she does when coming from the future. Lallybroch is his home but not.

The next day, Young Ian is being questioned by his nieces and nephews about the Mohawk and wants to hear everything about them. Michael says he knows France and England are also at war because of France supporting the American Revolution. He can’t image such unrest in France. Claire is clearly uncomfortable knowing about the upcoming French Revolution.

Ian starts coughing and Claire offers him something to drink to ease him. Ian sits down with Young Ian and asks about his life. He wants to know about Emily, Rachel and Rollo. Young Ian confesses about his child with Emily, Swiftest of Lizards which he named Ian James (clearly the two most important men in Young Ian’s life). Young Ian goes on to tell his da about Rachel and Ian tells him that leaving his dog with Rachel doesn’t guarantee a wife. Ian tells Young Ian to promise to go after Rachel and make sure to gain her hand in marriage.

Outside, Claire is feeding the horses, and Jamie asks if Claire will kill him if he goes to see Laoghaire. Claire wants to know who Laoghaire is sleeping with and if Jamie doesn’t tell her then she will kill him.

Jamie goes over to visit Laoghaire, and things don’t go that well. He gives her some current news on Marsali, but Laoghaire knows these things. Jamie apologizes for what went down between them. He confesses to her he never loved her and never would have chosen her whether Claire was around or not. Laoghaire tells him he never tried in their marriage. She confronts Jamie about his own actions when it comes to her and him kissing her all that time ago. She attacks him and her fieldhand comes to her rescue, but Jamie is clearly stronger and protects him, Joey.

That night, Jamie and Claire are talking about it. Claire helps Jamie to see that despite his attempt, some things can’t be mended. She then says she wants to tell his family she’s a time traveler. He wonders why so she tells him about the French Revolution and while they couldn’t stop Culloden, they saved Jamie’s men, and she can save Michael.

The next morning, Jamie and Claire sit Ian, Jenny and Michael down and tell them about the French Revolution. She tells Michael not to stay in France past 1788. Jenny wants to know how she knows, and she confesses she’s a time traveler who was born in 1918. They are shocked but realize she is a faery woman. They all seem stunned but there is a knock at the door.

Jamie goes to answer the door and finds Joan (Marsali’s sister and Laoghaire’s daughter) at the door. They take a walk, and Joan tells Jamie she wishes to be a nun. She’s upset because Laoghaire won’t give up her dowry for her to take her vows. She also can’t become a nun with her mother living in sin. Joey and Laoghaire won’t marry because Balriggan will go to Joey if she marries, and Jamie won’t support her if she marries. She wants him to solve her problem.

At Lallybroch, Jenny comes to Claire and tells her she always knew something was different about Claire. Jenny wants Claire to cure Ian. She tells her there is no way for her to do so. She tells her there are medicines in her time, but she has no way of making them now. Jenny thinks Claire is holding a grudge for Jenny pushing Laoghaire on Jamie. Claire tells Jenny she’s not magic and she’d give her soul to save Ian, but Jenny gets upset and says Claire has no soul before running off.

Jamie is out hunting and hears screaming. He finds Jenny in the woods screaming out her pain and frustration. Jenny says she doesn’t know how to go on without Ian. Jamie lists all the things she’s done that make her one of the strongest people he’s ever known. She asks if she can hide away in his cave, but he tells her he doesn’t recommend it because it is cold and damp.

Back inside, Laoghaire comes to see Jamie at his request. Jamie says he spoke with Ned Gowan who is unbelievably still alive. He shows her an amendment to their previous agreement. Laoghaire doesn’t want to hear it, but Joan asks her to listen. Jamie says after a proper record of the marriage between her and Joey the contract will be signed that gives Laoghaire Balriggan as her own and it won’t pass to her husband (Jamie apparently holds it in trusteeship being her last husband). She is then to release the dowry for Joan and he will contribute gold for Joan’s upkeep at a convent of her choosing. Laoghaire agrees to it.

Jenny brings Claire a letter from Lord John. His nephew Henry was shot twice in battle. Surgeons have been unable to remove them and ask that she come to help. Claire doesn’t want to leave with Ian dying. Jamie tells her she can leave, and Jenny agrees. Jenny says Claire said it herself. She can’t save Ian, but she can save another life.

Young Ian wrote a letter to Rachel for Claire to take. Young Ian says he cannot go. He must be there for his da and her. Jenny rips up the letter and takes him to the graveyard where they placed a stone for the daughter he lost. This gives Isobel a place to mark she was here on this earth. Somewhere Ian can visit. Jenny tells him he’s going that it is what his father would want.

Claire and Young Ian are packing up and Jenny apologizes for what she said. Jamie and Claire say their goodbyes and Ian comes out to say his.

Back In Time

Roger wakes from traveling back in time. Buck’s having chest pain but starts feeling better. They are there to find Jemmy who they believe was brought back with Rob Cameron. The two split up to cover more ground. Roger heads towards Lallybroch thinking Jem knows the way. Buck heads to Inverness.

Roger makes his way to Lallybroch. When he knocks, Brian Fraser answers. Roger thinks it is Ian Murray, but Brian introduces himself and Roger is stunned. He’s traveled back more than 200 years! Roger tells Brian about Jem’s abduction and asks if Brian has seen him all while wondering if he’s in the wrong time to find Jem.

Brian asks why he believes his son could be around there and Roger says Cameron was last seen around here. Brian asks where Roger has come from, but Jenny interrupts them. He is stunned to see her (he’s never met her before) and Brian takes it for interest in her but says Jenny fancy’s their factor’s son, Ian Murray. Jenny denies it and Roger apologizes and says he’s married. They offer him a place to stay the night and to go speak to Brian’s tenants in the morning.

Roger realizes it must be 1739 or 1740.

The next morning, Brian takes Roger around to hear more about a faery man who’d been seen. They say he’s dressed like nothing they’d ever seen. Jenny arrives to tell Roger that Buck has taken ill and there is an herbalist they can go to.

Roger takes Buck to the herbalist and when he knocks, Geillis Duncan answers to Roger’s shock.