Brianna works to thwart a treacherous plan that endangers her family. A surprise encounter brings new understanding to Roger’s journey in the past. Ian and Rachel take a big step in their relationship – as the Revolutionary war rears its head once again.
Scotland 1739
Roger remembers they are near where the Errochty Dam will be in the future. Roger informs Buck that Brianna felt a time portal inside the dam. That must be where Jerry came through.
Buck and Roger head to where the stones should be finding a stone circle and a hidden survival kit from World War II. They start calling for Jerry/Jeremiah. Roger sees a boy and investigates. They chase the boy down who has Jerry’s helmet. Buck threatens the boy. He tells them the man went into the woods after stealing a sheep.
Roger and Buck go in search of Jerry. Buck wonders what he’ll say to his father. He mentions never knowing his father. The two come across Jerry. They tell him they are here to help and that they are like him. Roger says, “In your time, Winston Churchill is prime minister. In mine, it’s a woman named Margaret Thatcher. She serves Queen Elizabeth II, King George’s daughter.” Jerry wants to know the current year and Roger tells him.
They head off together, Roger cleans Jerry’s wound and asks after Jemmy. He says his son is blonde and his name is Jeremiah like Jerry. Jerry talks about his own son who is just a baby.
Roger asks how he got here. Jerry says his plane went down on the moors and he walked east to find a town. He stopped at a river to get a drink and leaned up against the stones. He must have fallen asleep.
Buck and Roger tell him how the stones work. They are a portal. You touch them and poof your somewhere else. Roger wonders how he went down in the Highlands. Jerry explains it was a camera test flight. He was testing it for a mission. He was supposed to fly over Nazi labor camps in Poland. MI6 wanted him to take pictures of the camp to help the war efforts.
Jerry asks why they are helping him, but they hear dogs which means the men are coming for Jerry. They run towards the stones, but Jerry hurts himself and Buck and Roger have to help him to the stones. Roger gives Jerry a gem and tells him to think only of his wife. Jerry asks him to tell him something and Roger tells him they won the war.
As Jerry goes through the stones, Roger tells him, “I love you.”
Roger seems to have a memory of being the in the tube station, sitting next to his father.
Buck tells Roger, “He heard you,” and the two flee.
Later, Roger tells Buck he doesn’t have memories of his father just an image. He expected to have a rush of memories. Buck tells him they’ve always helped Jerry, and they have no memory of it. And then Roger tells us why they came back to 1739. Just as he touched the stones he thought of his father, and they came here. He’s starting to think Jem isn’t there.
Scotland 1980
At Lallybroch, Brianna has Rob Cameron tied up and locked in the priest hole. After a failed interrogation, Brianna takes Mandy and heads to the police (Rob cut their phone lines).
Meanwhile, Jemmy is calling for help within the dam. He tells himself, “On your feet soldier,” as his granny would say. He finds a lamp helmet and remembers the story Brianna told him about being in the dam.
As Brianna drives, Mandy can “feel” Jemmy again. She starts driving around with Mandy telling her if she’s hot, warm or cold.
Jem follows his mom’s story of the dam and makes his way to the time portal within the dam. Through it he can hear Roger calling for Jeremiah and calls out to his Da.
On the road, Mandy tells Brianna Jemmy is gone again. She notices a sign for the Dam and realizes Rob locked Jemmy in the Dam like he did her. Mandy says they are hot. Brianna looks up narrowly missing, hitting Jem who is in the road. Jem tells her he made his way through the dam by remembering how she did it.
Brianna goes back to Lallybroch with the police. When they open the priest hole Rob Cameron is gone. As the police question Brianna, they imply maybe she invited Rob over and now is trying to cover her tracks. Brianna is not impressed but part of the problem is she can’t tell them the whole story.
Brianna takes the kids to Fiona and Ernie. Brianna gives Fiona the letters from her parents. Brianna is going to go back to the house to meet the locksmith. She fears Roger won’t return without Jem and does not realize Jem isn’t back there.
Philadelphia 1788
Jamie and Young Ian finally have their reunion. Jamie assures Young Ian both his parents are happy he is going to marry Rachel. Ian asks Jamie for advice about the wedding night. Jamie tells him Claire was married before him and she’s the one who taught him what to do. “Go slowly and be gentle.” Ian wonders if Claire was gentle with him to which he says, “God no.”
In another part of the house, Rachel is getting ready with Claire and Mercy for her wedding. Mercy wishes they didn’t have to leave so soon after the wedding, but Jamie and Ian have their orders. Claire and Mercy both give Rachel some wisdom about having a soldier for a husband.
Denny makes it in time for the wedding and finds Henry Grey doing very well. Denny asks after John, but Jamie assumes John went north with the other Loyalists. Jamie wonders how Denny would know about John’s departure. Denny tells Jamie about John’s arrest, injury and escape from Smith’s camp.
When everyone is seated in the parlor, Denny brings Rachel in. Everyone just listens to the light within them for a long time until Claire wonders to Jamie how they will know when the Spirit moves them. When Jamie replies, Denny calls on Jamie to speak.
Jamie makes a nice speech about Ian. Denny then apologizes for taking Rachel away from Meeting for his convictions. Rachel doesn’t see it the same way. Denny then says the Spirit must have brought her and Ian together. Jamie and Claire hold hands. Mercy glances back at Henry.
Ian tells Rachel she gives him joy he never thought he’d have again. Rachel pledges herself to Ian as well. They are married!
Jamie sits awake worrying about John and what they did in the room. Jamie does hold what happened between John and Claire against John. But John was nearly hanged because of him. He’s also worried about William who he feels he failed. Claire reassures him William will come around.
Rachel and Ian have their wedding night and the next morning. Ian wants to try not to kill anyone, but Rachel knows things happen. Ian promises to return to her every night.
Elsewhere, John is sleeping in the brush when the Continentals find him. They ask where he escaped from, and John deftly lies that a British soldier put him in irons believing him a spy. He claims he is Bertram Armstong. He hasn’t joined a regiment because he was on his way when the British patrol came across him.
Jamie got his new uniform. Dashing. Claire assures Jamie she’d rather be in a cot with him than a bed without him.
Possible Spoilers, Don’t Read If you Haven’t read the Books
And for people who have read the books, or don’t mind a bit of a spoiler, Jerry told us MI6 wanted him to take pictures of labor camps in Poland. The MI6 agent was Frank Randall. Coincidence? I think not. These families are all interwoven in the stories of their lives… thank you Diana! This was one of my favorite revelations.
I loved that the reason Roger and Buck were in 1739 is because Roger touched the stones thinking of his father; and therefore, steered himself to Jerry.
Roger’s “memory” of his father, I believe is a real one. In the chaos of the tube station and the blitz, Jerry returns and finds Roger. Then the tube station collapsed. So, I believe both of Roger’s parents actually end up dying in the tube station and Jerry becomes a John Doe when rescuers get to the people trapped. So good.