The truth about Lord John Grey’s mysterious disappearance is revealed. Brianna faces off with the foes threatening her family.
London 1775
Lord John is with his brother Hal (Lord Melton). The two are talking about their sons and the Revolution in the Colonies. John is reluctant to get William and commission while Hal appears all to eager for his sons (Henry and Ben) to go to America. But considers John’s point about the possibility his sons could die in said war.
Hal makes John promise to never consider American independence. John gives his word.
Pennsylvania 1778
Lord John is taking an oath as Bertram Armstrong (two of his middle names) to be true to the United States of America.
At Lord John’s house a Lieutenant with the Continentals barges in admiring the house and telling Mrs. Figg the house will do nicely. When Jamie introduces himself (General Fraser) and asks what the man’s about, he’s told General Washington is looking for a place to have dinner with his generals, including Jamie. Mrs. Figg enlists the Lieutenant into kitchen duty to prepare.
Meanwhile, Young Ian is out scouting the British camp. While Claire is at the market when she runs into Marquis de Lafayette, literally. The two exchange polite conversation and names. Claire recognizes his name immediately. He promises her cheese and jellied eels (so gross).
That night, Lafayette presses the eels on Claire who doesn’t’ look excited. The subject of Washington thinking of Lafayette as a son (which is a true bit of history) comes up. The dinner is interrupted by Lafayette’s aid a Percival Beachamp. Claire is excited to hear her family name and says her family came from Compiegne. The aid would love to claim kinship with her, but his family is from La Manche.
Washington thanks Jamie and Claire for the meal and presents them with a flag. Jamie toasts to the United States of America.
Young Ian returns home without any violence on the job. Rachel is only a little disappointed, she can’t patch him up, so Ian makes up a scratch.
Back at Lord John’s, Jamie comes back from discussions with General Lee who isn’t happy he wasn’t made the commander and chief of the army. Claire admits she’s never heard of him, but Lafayette goes down in history for bringing troops to from France that help us win the last battle in Yorktown. And he has good taste in cheese.
Jamie tells her about all the men under his command and how he’s never been in command of men he didn’t know.
British Camp 1778
In the British camp, William rides in with messages for the officer in charge who takes offense and William appears comparing him to a groom (which has to hit home knowing Jamie was a groom at one point). The man asks after his gorget which William says has been lost (this is what he used to pay for Jane).
William goes off to clean up when he is interrupted by Jane and her sister Fanny who brings him back his gorget. Jane tells him Harkness came back, and they are seeking his protection. William says he’ll make sure they get rations as camp followers and be under his protection and in exchange Jane can be his laundress. Jane is not amused as she’s never done laundry. William gives Jane money to buy stuff for laundry, but she doesn’t know what to do with them. Jane explains she never sees what she’s made as the madame spent them on their upkeep.
William wants her to stay with the laundress until he finds her different clothes. He doesn’t want her taken for a whore. She tells him she is a whore. He says she isn’t while she’s under his protection.
American Camp 1778
Jamie goes out to inspect his men all decked out in his uniform. He singles out a Mr. Shaftstall who seems less prepared than the others with only his pistol, hunting knife, axe, and a snare. Jamie gives the man a musket.
Meanwhile, Claire is in the medical tent tending the ill. One of the men she comes across is John. She calls Jamie who comes over and then John surrenders to Jamie.
Pennsylvania 1778
Back at Lord John’s house, John is in irons and is a prisoner of General Fraser. Claire is setting up her supplies to help him with his eye. John is affronted to see the American flag in his dining room.
John’s ocular orbit is fractured (like Denny said) and the inferior rectus muscle is trapped in the crack.
Jamie arrives pondering what to do with John. He should send him to Washington, but he might hang him as a spy. Jamie wants to know what John is up to; John is upset that Jamie left him with the militia who he escaped from only to be taken by another militia.
Claire informs John she needs to grasp his eyeball and turn it a little to free it. She has Jamie hold him still (talk about torture).
British Camp 1778
Jane comes into William’s tent for sex but William refuses. William again tells Jane she’s not a whore and she’s certainly not his whore. She calls him a coward and he kisses her but then sends her away.
Pennsylvania 1778
Young Ian is preparing for battle with his war paint and talking to his father’s ghost. Rachel joins him and asks about his war paint and how to help him with them. Ian paints a white bird over his heart which he says is a dove for her, his dove.
British Camp 1778
Jane gives William his laundry and then says they are going to New York. William wants to know what she died besides stealing his gorget back.
Jane tells William, Harkness came back for Fanny’s maidenhead. She went up with Fanny and killed him. No one noticed when Fanny started screaming, assuming she was being used. The two escaped out the window. William promises not to turn her in, and Fanny kisses his hand, thanking him.
Jane has nothing to give him in thanks, but William doesn’t want anything.
William is in Richardson tent who is sending him with a missive to a group of Hessians. William doesn’t know Richardson is setting him up.
Scotland 1980
Brianna returns to Lallybroch to find the locksmith has come and gone. Brianna leaves but returns later with her shotgun. She hides in the bushes and watches the house. She can see there are at least two people inside. Ernie and Fiona pull up and Jem gets out of the van.
Brianna rushes out to tell them to get back inside the van while shooting at the two men. They try to stop her, but they get away. As they are fleeing, they see Rob pull up.
Fiona tells Brianna when they got home Rob was waiting to ask them questions. They didn’t think the children were safe and so left.
The van finally gives out. Ernie thinks it might be best if they go to Boston to be with Roger. Brianna checks under the hood and fixes the van for Ernie. Brianna tells Fiona it is time for them to go to Roger (in the past).
Pennsylvania 1778
Claire checks John’s eye which he’s regained movement in. She lets him know they will be going to the frontlines, and he will remain under guard at the house.
Percival Beachamp arrives with a message for John who is stunned to see him. John says Percival is his stepbrother. Claire gives them a moment. Percival’s there to tell John about Richardson sending William to a group of Hessians as a captive. Richardson intends to demand John and Hal’s cooperation in return for William’s life.
Percival touches John’s face and asks who hurt him. John tells him a man who had a right to touch him, while throwing Percival’s hand off.
Later, John tells Jamie about William’s predicament. Claire confirms Richardson’s status as spy and about their dance where he wanted her to spy on John to gain leverage over Hal. John is astounded she said nothing, but she tells him they were on the same side.
Jamie can’t go after William, but John can. Jamie sends John with Young Ian to rescue William.
Spotswood 1778
William arrives at the Hessian camp. He has a message of Oberst von Schnell. Schnell offers their hospitality.