What is your kilt rating for 713 The Raven and the Dove

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Episode Titles for Outlander Season 7 Part B

According to the Writer’s Guild of America West the episode titles for Season 7 Part B are as follows:

709. Unfinished Business written by Barbara Stepansky
710. Brotherly Love written by Luke Schelhaas
711. A Hundredweight of Stones written by Sarah H. Haught
712. Carnal Knowledge written by Toni Graphia
713. The Raven and the Dove by Madeline Brestal & Evan McGahey
714. Ye Dinna Get Used to It by Diana Gabaldon
715. Written in My Own Heart’s Blood by Danielle Berrow
716. A Hundred Thousand Angels by Matthew B. Roberts & Toni Graphia

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