Things we definitely know about Outlander Season 5 (spoilers separate)

There are a lot of things that can be assumed about the next season of Outlander but here are a few reminders of things that we know we will be seeing. If you aren’t at all worried about spoilers there is a box you can click on to get the book related “things we know” but otherwise I recommend show fan stay away from the spoilers.

1. It is likely going to be based on the fifth book of Diana Gabaldon’s Outlander series called The Fiery Cross. Of course, we are unsure if we’ll get the entire book or part of the book. You may not know this but this is the longest book of the first 5 by nearly 400 pages so it stands to reason we will not be seeing the entire book. Also, the PTBs (powers that be – ie our executive producers) have mentioned it might be easier to break up the books a little. I’m rather keen on this idea as I think it would make things feel less rushed.

2. Both season 5 and 6 will have only 12 episodes each. Season 1 had 16 and 2 through 4 had 13. However, standard season on premium channels tend to be 10 or 12. Outlander has been an exception. Losing an episode does support them taking on portions of book rather than the whole.
​3. Season 5 will start shooting late as production is still in the writers room and we got news earlier in 2018 that both Sam and Cait have other projects which means we will have something to watch them in during droughtlander.

4. Sam has stated the Fraser’s will get caught up in the pre-Revolutionary spirit which we all assumed from season 4 as Jamie’s been called up to muster a regiment for Governor Tryon. So it stands to reason the Fraser’s will end up more involved in the events leading up to the revolution though how they will navigate being currently on the wrong side of history is something of a mystery.

5. There will be more Brianna and Roger in the upcoming seasons. Just like the books, the story becomes more about the surrounding characters in the Outlander story. Of course, the heart of the story is Jamie and Claire and always will be but now they will have a lot more family and friends surrounding them so we should get to see these relationships. This doesn’t only include Roger and Bree but Marsali and Fergus who are now living on the ridge per episode 412 ‘Providence’.

6. We’ve seen Jamie and Roger clash and nothing there seemed resolved so one can assume there will be more tension in the future of the Fraser/MacKenzie family. Some aren’t keen on Jamie’s ultimatium to Roger or Roger’s delayed return. I enjoyed both because I assume Roger had more than thinking to do and Jamie really just wanted to know immediately what to do for Brianna. Both are just out to do the right thing and hopefully by the end of season 5 they will be allies.

7. Sam and Cait may be taking on a larger role as both are interested in producing. They want to have some input into the storyline and the characters which could be a very good thing as they’ve been playing the characters since 2014. Granted being new to producing could mean this isn’t a good thing but I do believe Sam and Cait are up to the task.

8. Jamie will be missing Young Ian. As we know from season 4, Young Ian gave himself up to the Mohawk to ensure Roger’s freedom. One can assume the tension between Jamie and Roger will involve Young Ian’s absence.
SPOILERS (click to view)
9. Jon Gary Steele the production designer on Outlander has announced the Big House is being built. Book fans know that Jamie and Claire don’t end up living in the same home as Bree and Roger. So Jamie will build a larger home for Claire and he leaving Roger and Bree with the cabin. So where are Fergus and Marsali going to live?

10. Season 5 will likely open with the gathering. We saw a gathering of sorts in season 4 where Bree and Roger go to the area Jamie and Claire lived in the 18th century. In the books, the Fraser’s all go to this gathering which is just the origins of the one Bree and Roger will attend (or did attend) in the future.

11. Back to Young Ian, we book fans know we’ll see him again but when? If we aren’t going to get the entire book we might be looking at season 6 before we see Young Ian again.