What you need to know about Season 5 (no spoilers)

What is going to happen in season 5?
Season 5 will be based on the fifth book The Fiery Cross. It is considerably longer than the previous four books so it is possible not everything in the book will make it to the 5th season. But things we definitely know about season 5 are that the “British are coming!” and it is highly likely not everyone is happy about it. We are definitely going to see more about the American Revolution and everything leading up to it.

Jamie and Claire are going to have to pick sides at some point (who knows when) and Jamie can’t wait too long or he’ll be labelled a Tory which we all know will be the losing side.

What is the “fiery cross”?
“Crann Tara” translated means “Fiery Cross” its reason for existence was communication between the clans. It was never meant as a sign of racism but as a way to let the clan know they were at war or they needed to prepare to fight. This was a quick way of letting the masses know without explanation there was danger. An attack from a neighboring clan or from a marching army could wipe out a clan so this was the equivalent of an siren.

Fiery cross were typically made from a Yew or Hazel tree in the shape of the Christian cross which hearkened back to Scotland’s Catholic roots. The cross would be set ablaze while a clansmen shouted their war cry. All able bodied men of fighting age were required to show up. Ignoring the call to arms would reap dire consequences. Sons would be rebuked by their parents, lovers would be separated, and communities would view them as traitors. Failing to heed the call would result in banishment.

The fiery cross was considered a highland thing and was rarely used in the lowlands. The only suspected time it was used was in 1547 when England invaded Scotland. It was fastened to a spear and sent from town to town rapidly. It is akin to Paul Revere’s ride.

The fiery cross was used during the 1715 Jacobite uprising as a call to the clan at Loch Tay. It was again used to call the clans to the same location during the 1745 uprising.

What is going to happen between Roger and Jamie?
Well, Jamie wasn’t super happy with Roger last season and I can’t say Jamie will change his mind anytime soon. In Jamie’s defense he wanted to be sure Roger would stand by Brianna’s side. It is possible Jamie will come around when it comes to Roger as Roger is his son-in-law. The question for me is what do Jamie and Roger have in common besides Brianna and Claire?

When will season 5 air?
Your guess is as good as mine. I’ve heard speculation leaning towards this fall but that is unlikely as Outlander just started filming in April. I would lean more towards 2020 for the new season and I would be surprised if it is April or fall again.

Why do we care about the Fraser pets?
Made me laugh. Why not? They are “cute and fuzzy” to quote Stitch. Rollo is more than a pet. He is a character with his own loyalties. Yes, he’s off with Young Ian in a Mohawk village. Where Young Ian goes Rollo goes. Rollo may not be able to deliver a line but when it comes to the story he’s always been a protector of Young Ian and the Fraser clan.

Adso the cat is more of a companion to Claire and he has the job of keeping the mice at bay. It is highly likely he will be more set decoration for the show but in the books he’s always in the middle of things.