BTS: 408 Wilmington

Dive deeper into this episode with exclusive sketches, production designs, and fun facts delivered directly from the Outlander crew.

Fergus and Marsali’s Rented Rooms

The Wilmington Theatre Scene

A fun set for texture this season was the design of the theatre in Wilmington. This allowed production to make something much more opulent in design that many other sets this season. They used an old church in Glasgow and, in 48 hours, gave it a total overhaul in terms of the dressing, building a huge proscenium arch with lots of rich red velvets and a huge gilded candelabra. Everything was still all candlelit at that time, so going to the theatre in the 18th century would have been quite an event. The set was very elaborate and the play that was put on was historically true.

George Washington

He doesn’t appear in the books, but producers thought it would be fun to introduce his character as a chance meeting for Jamie and Claire in the show. For Claire Fraser, it is like meeting a movie star and she is scripted to be a little goofy in her questions for him.

Theatre Actors
