BTS: 606 The World Turned Upside Down

Caitriona wore three different wigs over the course of filming this episode, which conveyed the passage of time before and after her hair was chopped off by Mrs. Bug and Malva.

I’m a little disappointed we haven’t gotten to see Mrs. Bug more especially since, I believe, she’s going to come up (or is supposed to) later.

Set Decorator, Stuart Bryce, on how the Art Department visually told the story of the Church becoming a Meeting House:

“We tried to make the interior less like a formal church, retaining the elements like the pews and dais, but just arranging them more like a community center… We also made a massive log burner to heat the room with ledges on it for warming irons to press cloth.”

“We shot the sequence using close ups and wide angles inside a patch of wheat in the garden. Post Production then took the shots and edited where necessary, for example, if the prosthetics looked obviously fake in the cut. We also shot elements of a separate prosthetic belly and poured SFX liquid with fake blood mixed in over it. A trick to achieve this sequence was to add more CG wheat to break up shots where the prosthetics and VFX additions weren’t looking quite right. A combination of all the above techniques help to deliver a believable and rather traumatic sequence.”
– VFX Supervisor, Jon Neill