BTS: 701 A Life Well Lost

I personally love when they include maps into the show but also into the Inside Outlander.

The Jail

The jail was designed with the idea that it had been an abattoir in a previous life. A blacksmith put in rails, bars, and hooks that workers would have used to move carcasses around. Claire and the prisoners wash uniforms in a central trough animals would have eaten from.

The Ship

A real period ship was used to film exterior Cruizer scenes. The ship sailed from Penzance in the south of England up the east coast, docking in the harbor at Burntisland, Scotland.

The Fog

Creating the fog was a special challenge for VFX Supervisor Jon Neill. The team erected a giant gray screen on a barge floating 20 feet behind the ship to help correctly light the set. Layers of density of fog were added in post-production to lend depth and realism to the shots.

Time Travelers

It was Drew “Bundini” Brown (Muhammad Ali’s cornerman) that coined the phrase “float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.” Ali famously quoted the iconic phrase prior to his fight with Sonny Liston on February 25, 1964, 189 years after this episode!

Claire’s Letter

The letter Claire sends Tom contains a hidden message. She asks for oil of porcupine, camphor, potassium nitrate, and “vir meus,” meaning “my husband” in Latin. Given that Tom is well-educated, Claire knows he’ll be able to translate without arousing suspicion.

Tom Christie

Violent Man

“Even for one scene, the art department will realize a world in incredible detail… the set that was built for [the Jamie and Richard] scene alone is absolutely meticulous… they spent three weeks just getting the paint dry. Nothing is left to chance.” -Lisa Clarke, director

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