Inside Brianna’s Look for Season 6

“Brianna had quite a few new looks this season… she’s working domestically and looking after the children but also doing engineering works around the Ridge… so she has some practical clothing but she is also young and, in her past life, liked clothes. I think she has become somebody who has her things made or she makes some things herself.” -Costume Designer Trisha Biggar

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Inside Claire’s Look for Season 6

“Trisha Biggar does an incredible job and I, for one, am incredibly grateful to her, especially this season. The costumes we have for Claire at the Ridge when she’s more relaxed… it’s a slightly modern twist on what women were wearing at the time, which I always feel is so important… that Claire would always find a way of retaining some of that comfort, some of that ease, some of the practicality from the future while also being able to kind of blend in.

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Inside Jamie’s Look for Season 6

As Jamie became more established on the Ridge, his Season 6 look reflected that. “The Frasers are leaving the Ridge slightly more often than they did in Season 5 so we developed slightly different looks for them. They’re not always at the Ridge working and doing domestic things. They are meeting society and having to do business with people nearby.” -Trisha Biggar, Costume Designer

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BTS: 606 The World Turned Upside Down

Caitriona wore three different wigs over the course of filming this episode, which conveyed the passage of time before and after her hair was chopped off by Mrs. Bug and Malva.

I’m a little disappointed we haven’t gotten to see Mrs. Bug more especially since, I believe, she’s going to come up (or is supposed to) later.

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Easter Eggs In Never My Love

Outlander holds nothing back and in the season five finale they really brought their ‘A’ game when showing Claire’s disassociation while being brutalized and raped. Claire escapes inside her mind and conjures everything that would bring her comfort. In doing so Outlander gave us a dazzling array of Easter Eggs. Here are the ones I caught:

1. The Rabbit

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