Outlander Watch isn’t gone.

  • Post category:ow update

Hey, it’s Jill; the webmistress of Outlander Watch. Horrifyingly Outlander Watch somehow was deleted by a big mistake on my part. Long story short, I did something that cloned my other site over OW and when I went to restore the back up I was told it hadn’t been backed up (automatically) in over a year and that one was deleted. Full-proof system it seems. Yes, years of work lost. 2023 is turning out to be fantastic.

I haven’t been around a lot because there has been too much going on. Every time I turn around there is yet another thing vying for my attention.

First, car trouble. My car is slowly dying and with the torrential downpour California is getting; flooding. Every time it rains heavily (which is like every other day) the floor in my passenger side front is wet. Part of me wants to find a solution to this but I’m not willing to spend money on a car that is slowly dying. The engine and transmission need replaced. Then the catalytic converter is dead and the whole AC system died. Thankfully, my mechanic said, “do not fix this,” instead of slowly taking all my money (or lack thereof).

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Weebly Site Down

According to Weebly we violated something. They weren’t very clear. Instead of trying to resolve the issue they banned our account and removed the sites associated with it. So weebly is looking like less of an option though the beauty of it was most of it was free with unlimited storage. Since weebly doesn’t seem to be an option the blog is going to WordPress for now and I’m looking into a new website. Thankfully I have most of the image content and the text content in regards to the episode guides. However everything else is lost because Weebly also doesn’t give you your site when they kick you off their system.

Please be patient with me while I figure this out.

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