Easter Eggs In Never My Love

Outlander holds nothing back and in the season five finale they really brought their ‘A’ game when showing Claire’s disassociation while being brutalized and raped. Claire escapes inside her mind and conjures everything that would bring her comfort. In doing so Outlander gave us a dazzling array of Easter Eggs. Here are the ones I caught:

1. The Rabbit

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BTS: 506 Better to Marry than Burn

Was it organic that we go from Murtagh to Duncan Innes? I don’t really think so even though I completely understand why Jocasta is rejecting Murtagh. But Duncan hasn’t been around to let us see him as an option.

The ring scene was… I don’t even know. Why would Philip ask for her rings? Because he admired them? I just think that is a stretch.

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BTS: 505 Perpetual Adoration

Adso is such and adorable “wee cheety” as Jamie would put it. I love it. I miss Rollo though. OMG, I loved ‘The Impetuous Pirate’ in the episode. It is actually in the book Voyager. It was in the surgical lounge and Claire’s reading it and it is a very naughty book. Joe is sitting across the way and when Claire is shocked by the love scene, Joe asks if she got to a specific page. It is just a great addition.

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