Jamie awaits his death sentence at Wentworth Prison, while Claire and the Highlanders search for a rescue plan. When Jamie is visited by Black Jack, he realizes there is a fate worse than death.
Wentworth Prison with MacQuarrie and Jamie chatting about dying as they watch their fellow prisoners being hanged. Jamie has a plan to fight back so they can die like men, fighting. MacQuarrie wonders if Jamie is afraid to hang but Jamie tells him he’s more afraid of Claire being upset that he got his foolish self hanged. MacQuarrie tells Jamie he always knew this is how he’d end which is why he never settled down. MacQuarrie is called up next and is disappointed Jamie didn’t go first to put in a good word for him with Saint Peter. MacQuarrie stands on the gallows saying he wished he’s served his country as a patriot fighting the English for King… Jamie watches as MacQuarrie is hung before he can say the Stuart King’s name.
MacQuarrie dangles from the rope, strangling to death, as Jamie is called up to the gallows for his own death. Jamie tries to fight the English, no doubt hoping they’ll shoot him, but they overpower him and drag him up to the gallows. Just as the noose is put around Jamie’s neck a rider comes into the prison to stop the execution. Black Jack Randall is back and he talks privately with one of his fellow soldiers. Jamie is then escorted to one of the dungeon cells while the executions continue.
In the dungeon cell, Jamie is chained to the wall though he tries to pull the bolt from the wall he’s having no success. Two men come in with food, compliments of Randall. Jamie goes to the food and decides to take advantage of it while he can but doesn’t stop trying to get free.
In Sir Fletcher’s office, Claire tells Sir Fletcher she doesn’t really know the prisoner but it is an old family connection. Claire notices the Bible on Sir Fletcher’s desk and tells him she felt it her Christian duty to come as see the prisoner for the sake of his family. She asks if she can see him but Sir Fletcher is worried over her well-being. She tells him that Jamie comes from good people and for him to be estranged at such a time. She hopes she can get a letter from the prisoner to his mother. Sir Fletcher has an idea and leaves the room just long enough for Claire to break down for a moment.
Sir Fletcher soon returns with the prisoner’s personal effects rather than the letter, hoping they will bring the family solace. Inside the box Claire sees the snake with Sawney carved into it. Claire tells Fletcher she is happy to take the box to the family.
Claire barely makes it outside of the prison before she is sick but it is worth it now that she knows Jamie is alive and reachable. Murtagh helps Claire up and carries her away.
In a nearby tavern, Angus and Rupert are enjoying themselves, drinking and gambling while Claire, Murtagh and Willie sit by angrily. Both Claire and Murtagh find Angus and Rupert’s concern over Jamie lacking. Willie tries to reassure them but both know getting Jamie out of Wentworth will be no easy task.
Rupert and Angus lose all their money and Murtagh comments they seem awfully cheery about losing all their money. They start arguing a bit about who should tell them what they’ve done and Murtagh tosses water on Rupert to get an answer. The boys tell them that they weren’t gambling with just any men but two jailers at Wentworth. They learned that Fletcher is away from his office, in quiet reflection, for nearly an hour. Angus asks if that is not enough and Claire says it is with hope in her eyes.
Back at Wentworth, Jamie is still trying to free himself, making his ankle bloody and raw. Randall and his manservant come into the dungeon and Randall quotes the story of King Arthur.
Randall’s man Marley bring a ceiling lamp down and lights it before Randall asks Jamie if he couldn’t have kept out of prison until he’d heard about his pardon. Randall pulls out the document telling Jamie the Duke tends to talk when he drinks and word got back to Randall and well… now he has the complaint Jamie and Claire filed against him. Randall doesn’t think it speaks too favorably about him and thinks if the Court of Sessions had seen the document Jamie would have won his freedom and Randall would have likely died. Randall them burns the complaint before Jamie’s eyes.
Claire returns to the prison, her story is that she was supposed to meet Sir Fletcher though the guard doesn’t know anything about it. Claire wants to know if he thinks she’s lying and the man quickly backs off. Claire offers for him to join her but he knows that could just get him into trouble and leaves.
As soon as the guard leaves, Murtagh and Claire start ripping the room apart looking for keys and a map of the prison.
In the dungeon, Randall wants permission to call Jamie but his first name. Jamie doesn’t care and tries to be brave by saying he won’t beg for his life. Randall can’t save Jamie from hanging but tells him he is giving him a reprieve. Jamie would rather hang. Randall wants to know if Jamie thinks about him, dreams about him. Randall reaches out towards Jamie wondering if when Claire touches his back if Jamie thinks about him, and softens.
Jamie is angry and wants to know what Randall wants. Randall wants Jamie to admit he couldn’t escape from Randall. He wants Jamie’s surrender. He wasn’t Jamie to be terrified and if Jamie were to admit it Randall would grant him a death he deserves. He would let Jamie choose his death by falling on a sword or taking a poison rather than being hanged. Randall realizes Jamie won’t want to see his face in the end and think slitting his throat from behind is also a good option. Randall assures Jamie he will have his surrender before he dies.
Back in Sir Fletcher’s office, Claire is still looking for a map but Murtagh already has the keys. Murtagh wants to get on with it but they have no idea where Jamie is. The guard returns and catches them in the act but Murtagh knocks him out. Claire tells Murtagh to tie the man up and hide him while she goes in search for Jamie. She wants him to get out and if asked say he’s going for a gift for Sir Fletcher. Claire is to meet Murtagh and the other in the woods behind the prison.
Claire moves through the prison and stops at two large cells looking for Jamie with no luck but one prisoner directs her to the dungeons below.
In the dungeon, Randall awaits Jamie’s answer. Jamie answer is he’ll not surrender to any man. Randall is no surprised and admits he’d have been disappointed if Jamie had surrendered. Randall reminds Jamie any man can be broken.
Randall wants to see Jamie’s back and Jamie acquiesces if Randall will stop talking. Randall circles behind Jamie and attempts to lift Jamie’s shirt when Jamie takes the opportunity to attack Randall telling him he is the broken one and Randall sees his face every night. Marley comes to Randall’s aid and Jamie tosses Randall at the man. Jamie then flees across the room and picks up a stool to fend of the mallet wielding Marley. Marley may be dense but he knows that pulling on the chain attacked to Jamie will make Jamie vulnerable.
Jamie gets in a good swing but then Marley is out of reach. Marley manages to break the stool in Jamie hand giving Jamie a club which he smacks Marley with. But in the end Marley is a force to be reckoned with and is choking the life out of Jamie. Randall steps in and kicks Marley in the face to keep Jamie alive and at his mercy.
An angry Randall has Marley hold Jamie’s right hand on the table while Randall takes the mallet to it several times.
In the corridors, Claire can hear Jamie’s screams.
In the dungeon, Jamie is passing out from the pain as Randall asks when Jamie forces him to hurt him. Randall makes Jamie stay awake and focus on him. Jamie tries to fight back again but is easily subdued. Randall pulls Jamie in close and then puts Jamie’s good hand on his genitals. Randall is clearly aroused by hurting Jamie and Jamie is suffering and threatening to kill him while Randall tries to give a sick sort of comfort. Randall stops before he finds release saying, “No, I will not give in to course passion.”
Randall leaves telling Jamie he’s there to help him and not to fight him. Jamie is left to rest on the floor with his crushed hand.
In the corridor, Randall passes Claire’s hiding spot and she goes looking for a way out. She finds a locked back door and unlocks it, dismantles the lock and goes back to find Jamie. She enters the dungeon to find Jamie in a heap on the floor. She tries to get him to stay awake and to unlock the fetters on his ankle when Randall returns.
Claire tries to take the mallet to Randall but Marley stops her. Claire tells Randall she should have slit his throat when he was unconscious at Fort William and Randall agrees that act of mercy will be something she will come to regret. Randall thinks she’s a fit match for Jamie which he sees as a high compliment.
Two soldiers come into the dungeon and Randall is upset they’ve interrupted them. Claire wants them to take her to Sir Fletcher but Randall won’t allow the men to take her. The men leave her with Randall. Randall then tells Marley to search her and the lecherous man molests her. Randall isn’t in the mood for her charms today. He is willing to hand her over to Marley though and he doesn’t want to see what Marley will do to her.
Randall goes to Jamie to wake him up and Claire shoves Marley aside. She then tosses Randall away from Jamie and wraps a chain around Randall’s throat. Jamie grabs the club and kills Marley with it but Randall gets the upper hand against Claire. Randall grabs the mallet and Claire and is going to do damage when Jamie screams for Randall to stop. Randall wants a better offer and Jamie offers up himself.
Randall wants an assurance for him to let Claire go in safety. Randall makes Jamie go to the table and put his bad hand on the table before he nails it to the table. Claire clings to Jamie as he screams. Randall wants a kiss now and Jamie lets him. But Randall wants a real kiss and forces Jamie. Jamie wants Claire taken away and Randall tells Jamie they will remember this moment for the rest of their lives.
Randall pulls Claire away from Jamie and Claire rushes back saying she won’t leave him. Jamie tells her she will and to do as he says. He then tells her he loves her and gives her a real kiss before they are parted.
Randall takes Claire through the corridors telling her he heard of the trial where she was accused of being a witch. Claire tells him she is a witch and she curses him with the hour of his death. She tells him he is Jonathan Wolverton Randall and he was born September 3, 1705 and then whispers in his ear the day he dies. Randall truly looks terrified but grabs her arm and tosses her down the body shoot.
Claire is surrounded by the bodies of the men who were hung including MacQuarrie. She stumbles off into the woods.
In the dungeon, Randall removes the fetters at Jamie’s ankle. Jamie grabs Randall’s hand and wants to know if Claire is away safe. Randall covers Jamie’s hand saying, “You have my word.” Randall is almost gentle with Jamie. He cuts the shirt from Jamie much to Jamie’s horror. Randall touches the scars he put on Jamie with reverence saying it is a masterpiece.
Randall asks Jamie how it feels to be alive with so much dead flesh” while rubbing his face and tongue on Jamie’s back. He asks a terrified Jamie if he should begin.
In the woods, Claire calls out for Murtagh, Angus or Rupert and Angus finds her telling her to be quiet.
At MacRannoch’s home, where they have been given shelter, Claire wants to know how many men he can muster to help her free her husband but MacRannoch isn’t going to help. He won’t risk his family and livelihood for one man. Claire tries to pay him with the pearls Jamie gave her and MacRannoch is stunned to see them.
He asks where she got them and she tells him her husband gave them to him on their wedding day. MacRannoch wants to know if her husband is Ellen’s boy and Murtagh tells him that Jamie is the spitting image of her. MacRannoch gave them to her as a wedding present and has often thought about her wearing them and wondered if she thought about him. He tells Claire they are hers and to wear them in good health. Claire tells him she’d stand a better chance of doing that if he’d help free her husband.
MacRannoch seems more willing but can’t see how it would be done. Claire tells the men that she’s left the back door open but then men want more to go into the prison.
One of MacRannoch’s men comes in and MacRannoch gets mad at him for not bringing back the cattle he was supposed to (all 40). Murtagh thinks 19 out of 40 cows is a good number and then tells the others he knows how to save Jamie…