Recap: 408 Wilmington

Roger’s diligent search for Brianna pays off when he finds her in Wilmington, but their romantic reunion comes to an abrupt halt when she discovered information that he intentionally kept from her.

Wilmington opens on the streets of Wilmington where Roger is searching for Brianna. He carries the drawing done of them at the Scottish Festival. Roger stops by the printing shop where the newspaper announcement of Jamie and Claire’s deaths were reported. When the printer questions him Roger asks if he’s seen Brianna who has not. Fergus comes out of the shop and appears to be working for the printer. Roger asks Fergus (unbeknownst to him) if he’s seen Brianna but Fergus answers in the negative.

Fergus returns home to Marsali and finds Jamie and Claire visiting. Young Ian has gone to Brunswick to fetch casks for Jamie’s whisky. Jamie and Claire are going to a play at the Governor’s request but they came to see Marsali, Fergus and little Germain.

Claire and Marsali finish preparing lunch and Marsali says her heart is so full now Germain has arrived but now she constantly worries about his well-being. Claire tells her she imagines that is the hardest thing about being a parent; wanting to protect them from everything and not being able too.

In a tavern, Roger is taking a break from searching for Brianna when he stumbles upon her in the tavern. She’s looking for passage to Cross Creek. Roger calls out to her and the two hug though Brianna is quick to be upset that he followed her through the stones. Roger drags Brianna outside while Lizzie looks on. Roger explains how he found out about her traveling and she confesses she loves him. He again drags her off for a private tryst which Lizzie sees.

Alone, Roger and Bree are passionate but Bree stops them knowing Roger wanted all of her. She tells him she’s willing to marry him to Roger’s delight. He doesn’t have a ring but Brianna still has the bracelet he gave her which is now missing the gemstone because she traveled. Roger suggests they hand-fast and Brianna is onboard.

That night at the theatre, Governor Tyron introduces them to Edmund Fanning who appears to have a pain in his side. Claire inquires after it and he explains what seems to be a hernia. Claire offers to examine it and Jamie explains she’s a healer. Governor Tyron thinks it best they leave it to Mr. Fanning’s physician and has his wife introduce Claire to the wives.

Mrs. Fanning offers to help Claire navigate the waters of wives and points out a wealthy and witty wife by the name of Martha Washington with her husband Col. George Washington. Claire is eager to meet the Washington’s and we find out George Washington surveyed the land now called Fraser’s Ridge. It is a generous gift of land and Martha thinks the Governor must like Jamie who the Governor says is a loyal ex-soldier. Jamie explains he fought at Culloden in 46 which Washington is unaware of. He says he spent his youth in Virginia and Claire comments, “chopping down cherry tree,” which confuses the Washingtons and Claire covers by saying it is a figure of speech.

The play is announced and everyone goes to take a seat. Claire tells Jamie about George Washington.

Back in the shed, Brianna and Roger kneel before a fire and recite vows to one another.

Lizzie asks after Brianna with the innkeeper who says she’s still of with that man which Lizzie thinks is a man of wonton morals.

Back at the theatre, Governor Tryon is upset the Regulators are angry about his palace and hopes his men put on a good show. Tryon confides in Jamie his men are after a band of Regulators who he’s planted a spy amongst. The Regulators plan to rob a carriage carrying tax money to the treasury in New Bern. Their leaders name is Murtagh FitzGibbons. Jamie is clearly upset and asks if he can assist and join Tryon’s men but Tryon turns him down.

On the road to New Bern, Murtagh and his men are waiting to ambush the carriage.

In the shed, Brianna and Roger make love passionately and Roger tells her she’s the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen.

At the theatre, everyone is watching the play but Jamie is trying to find a diversion to get word to Murtagh.

We see Murtagh readying his men.

Meanwhile, Brianna wonders if she did all right because Roger just lay there like someone hit him on the head. Roger tells her acting like your spinal column was removed it a fair indication of male satisfaction. He wants to know if it hurt her and she says it did but she enjoyed it. Roger tells her he always pictures their wedding night in modern amenities but Brianna seems happy with her wedding night.

At the theatre, Jamie figures out a diversion when Fanning appears to be in pain. He bumps the man and then touches the man’s injury until he screams out. Jamie calls out for a surgeon. Tryon asks for a surgeon and Jamie tells Tryon Claire is a surgeon. Jamie explains about the ambush and asks that she buys him time.

Jamie sneaks out while Claire is ordering people about getting knifes, linens and brandy to knock the man unconscious.

Outside Jamie sees George and Martha and catches a ride with them.

Inside the theatregoers are commenting on Fanning’s fragility. Claire asks that Tryon get men to hold Fanning down as he’s likely to wake. She also asks that if Fanning wakes he distract him and let him bite down on Tryon’s handkerchief.

The Washingtons drop Jamie off and George wonders if there is a war he’s not aware of and Jamie tells him there is.

At the theatre, Claire begins surgery and Fanning does wake. Claire tells Tryon to talk to him to distract him. Tryon promises to have a house built for Fanning from the treasury money while Claire pushes the intestines back. Tryon hopes Fanning won’t remember what he said. A surgeon appears and claims she butchered him but Tryon defends her saying she has it in hand.

On the road, the carriage approaches and some men go out to meet it. The Redcoats aboard ready their weapons and Murtagh is about to send his men out to get the money back.

At the theatre, Claire is stitching the incision which seems to impress the other surgeons there. Claire says she’ll see him home and Tryon believes Claire saved Fanning’s life and now understands why Jamie can’t live without her in the backwoods.

Claire goes to Jamie who has returned and wonders if he was successful. Jamie is hopeful.

On the road, Fergus appears and warns Murtagh and his men. Murtagh is stunned to see Fergus and whistles to his men who then pretend they were drunk and don’t know where they are. They get directions and sent the carriage on its way. Murtagh sends his men away and Fergus tells him there is a spy in his camp. Murtagh wonders why Jamie didn’t come and Fergus tells him he’s at the theatre. Murtagh tells Fergus there is no man he’s rather see.

Roger and Bree lie together and Bree says she could just kill the printer who smudged the date of the paper. Roger says he was tempted to tell him off when he met him and Brianna questions how Roger knew about the obituary. She realizes he knew and didn’t tell her. He explains how he found out and couldn’t bear to tell her. Brianna doesn’t take it well that Fiona and Roger decided not to tell her. Roger wants to know what she could do about Claire’s death and Brianna says just what she’s done. Their fight escalates and Roger says maybe he should just leave and she suggests he does.

Roger brings up her not saying ‘I love you’ back to Frank and Brianna’s says she was just a child to which Roger suggests she’s still acting like one. He tells her to look him in the eye and tell him to go and she says, “No one is stopping you.” Roger takes his things and goes leaving Brianna alone.

Tryon, Jamie and Tryon’s man are talking about the failed ambush. Tryon wonders what happened and his man tells him the Washington’s left during the commotion.

Brianna finishes dressing and wipes her tears before heading back to the inn. Inside, Stephen Bonnet is gambling and wagers Claire’s ring. Brianna comes in and starts by when Bonnet grabs her and asks her to blow on it for luck. Brianna notices the ring and asks after her mother. Bonnet makes a bawdy remark about the last time he saw Claire. Bonnet offers to let Brianna return the ring to Claire. Brianna follows Bonnet believing he’ll sell her the ring but he wants another kind of payment.

When Brianna realizes what he’s after she tries to get away but Bonnet smacks her and drags her back. He throws her boots out the door and shuts the door.

The men in the bar are gambling while in the background Brianna calls out for help. The men continue to gamble and we hear Brianna sobbing. A man trips over Brianna’s boots and sits them outside the door for her as we hear Bonnet grunting.

Next, we see Brianna lying over a table with a bloody nose. She rises slowly to Bonnet commenting to her not being a virgin. Brianna is still for a moment before picking up her things and starting to leave. Bonnet offers her the ring and says he pays for his pleasures. She takes the ring and Bonnet tells her to give her mother his regards. Brianna leaves grabbing her boots as she goes.