Recap: 708 Turning Points

Jamie fights in the pivotal Second Battle of Saratoga. Roger and Brianna search for Jemmy.

Turning Points picks up where we left off with Jamie on the battlefield unconscious. We see a woman and her son scavenging valuables from the dead. They are rummaging through Jamie’s things, tossing out William’s pictures, when he coughs. He’s alive, which we knew but how hurt is he? The woman tells her son to kill Jamie but Claire grabs the boy from behind. The woman tells her to pick another but Claire says he is her husband. The boy gets away but Claire grabs a sword from the field and holds it on them. She means business and they move on.

Claire tends to Jamie who tells her that her ministrations tickle. His hand looks bad. Jamie asks what happened, wanting to know who won the battle but Claire starts berating him. What did Jamie say when he was bit by the snake? I know when you’re nice to me that I’m dying. So clearly the man will be fine.

I really loved this scene because it was mostly right from ECHO. Show watchers might want to know that Jamie’s right hand is injured in the books, not the left. All the way back in season one/book one, Jamie’s hand is crushed by Black Jack Randall. BJR goes after the right hand, the thinking that most people are right handed. Jamie’s middle finger doesn’t bend well and throughout the books he breaks it several more times. In this scene in the book, Claire is worried because it is again very badly damaged.

Claire retrieves the miniature of William, Jamie’s hat, and Jamie himself. Claire apologizes for yelling at him because he scared her.

The title cards for this half of the season have been fantastic but this one was kind of gruesome, an upside down boot that is dripping blood. Gross. But I loved that picture flips over… turning points.

Back in the Continental camp with Jamie and Claire where she’s tending to his hand. Jamie asks after Ian, who is fine. Jamie still wants to know who won. The British are claiming they did because they held the field while they retreated to camp because of nightfall. Claire tries to reassure Jamie about William but neither one knows anything about his well-being.

Claire wraps up Jamie’s hand and then goes to tend other patients. In the book, Jamie’s finger is badly damaged again, as I said so here Claire discusses it with Jamie who is sick of the thing and has her cut it off. She does and sews his hand together leaving Jamie’s right hand with only four fingers total. I completely understand why they didn’t do any of this with Jamie’s hand from the beginning because we’d have Sam constantly holding his hand awkwardly and then they’d have to do this in makeup every day. Makes more sense to just leave Jamie with scars rather than permanent disfigurements.

At the medical tent, Claire is taking a break when Denzell joins her. He has only ever lost four patients before and now it has increased tenfold. He doesn’t understand how Claire has done this before but Claire tells him to focus on those he’s saved. Denzell feels it is hard on a man like himself, a Quaker but admonishes himself for thinking it is harder on him than Claire. This experience has changed Deny, much as war has changed William.

Claire goes into their tent to tend to Jamie. She gives him some laudanum so she can sew up his hand. He’d had a visitor, Colonel Johnson, who came to thank him because the riflemen entering the battle saved Johnson’s company. Jamie  recounts the Biblical tale of Abraham and the “ten just men” as he drifts off. Claire sews his hand up.

Lallybroch 1980

Roger and Buck return from Craigh na Dun with Jem’s scarf. It seems Rob Cameron has taken Jem back through the stones. Roger can’t understand why but Bree reveals Rob went through the letters and took the musket ball and the letter about the Spaniards gold. Roger’s anger gets the better of him but then he quickly makes up his mind. Bree will stay with Mandy while he goes back to find Jem.

Buck is confused by the Spanish gold and Roger tells him it is the French Gold that was meant for the Jacobites and Jem knows where it is. Buck wants to go with him. He figures he’s going back anyway and they are kin. Bree pulls out a pendant with stones in it that she found in an antique store in town.

I’m loving how Buck is all in on the future of his family. He went from suspicious to all in. And I keep thinking back to what Bree asked him, what were you thinking about when you went through the stones? He had come back from the Colonies because they had nothing, maybe he was concerned about the future of his family which could totally steer him to this future family.

Continental Camp 1777

It has been two weeks and Jamie’s hand is healing nicely. Jamie goes off and Young Ian wonders if Claire is not happy with Jamie’s progress. To Claire, Jamie healing just means he will join the fight again. They talk about what rumors Ian has heard about more fighting, Claire catches Rollo licking up her goose grease which was supposed to go to Denzell for a patient. Ian volunteers to ask the Oneida for some and take it to Denzell or…. His sister. She clearly knows he’s interested.

Ian brings the goose grease to Rachel for Denzell’s patient’s arsehole. Ian is very nervous and Rachel thanks him. Ian drops the goose grease and when they both go to pick it up the two are practically holding hands. They then have a moment where they clearly want each other. Ian kisses Rachel who ends up smacking him (despite clearly being into it).

Rachel is a Quaker so Ian’s actions are very forward here but she wants him as well so she knows they are both playing with fire.

Ian realizes that their budding romance could mean Arch Bug will harm Rachel and isn’t sure he’s willing to take that chance so he flees but not before practically confessing how much he wants her in Mohawk.

Claire encounters a continental officer in search of cinchona bark for one in his command. He opens his own medicine chest so she can trade with him and says he used to run a store with apothecary and other stuff. She finds laudanum which she’s out of, remember she gave the last bit to Jamie. She asks if he has need of it and he tells her he weaned himself off the stuff after a shot that shattered his leg. He wonders if she needs it and she assures him she doesn’t though sometimes it is all she can offer her patients because she can’t cure everything.

The man is surprised by this admission as most in her profession claim to be able to cure anything. She says it is wise to know one’s limits and he wonders if that just means it makes you believe you can not exceed those limits because you assume it isn’t possible. She coincides it might because if they believed they couldn’t achieve something beyond reasonable expectations then none of them would be there.

Jamie appears and is more formal with the man, bowing and calling him “Sir.” He asks Jamie his own thoughts on the subject and then a quote right from the book:

“I’ve heard it said that a man’s reach must exceed his grasp—or what’s a heaven for?”

An Echo In the Bone by Diana Gabaldon, chapter 64, “A Gentleman Caller”. Copyright© 2009 by Diana Gabaldon. All rights reserved.

The man loves this and wonders where he heard it. It is from Robert Browning’s poem “Andrea del Sarto” which was published in 1855. So Jamie heard the poem from Claire and he can’t exactly tell this man that. Instead, he says a poet but doesn’t remember who.

Claire gives him the cinchona bark and asks the man’s name. He apologizes for not introducing himself sooner. He is Major General Benedict Arnold. Claire’s smile isn’t as big as before but she looks a little gobsmacked.

We cut to Denzell and Rachel. Rachel asks for prayers and Denzell knows it is because she’s in love with Ian. Denzell offers to wave Ian off but Rachel isn’t really sure that is an option she wants. But Denzell reminds her no meeting would accept such a match. Ian is a warrior and Quakers are pacifists.

Meanwhile, Claire is explaining to Jamie that Benedict Arnold’s name is synonymous with being a traitor in the future because he will turn his coat. She has no idea when and she doesn’t know what will cause it.

That night Daniel Morgan addresses the soldiers telling them they have taken Sugar Loaf Hill again (which the British call Mount Defiance). He then asks why they hate the British. He then removes his shirt and shows his back which is much like Jamie’s. It is an effective tactic but Jamie seems somewhat upset by the moment. Morgan received 499 lashes (Jamie received 200) and survived it. Not only that but Morgan doesn’t seem as bothered by them as Jamie does. Something for Jamie to think about.

The next morning, the two armies enter the Second Battle of Saratoga. Morgan’s riflemen, along with Jamie, are behind a fence, firing into the fray, picking off soldiers. Morgan calls for them to take out Simon Fraser who is leading his troops on horseback. Jamie lines up the shot but deliberately aims wide and shoots the hat off a young officer, realizing soon thereafter it was William he nearly killed.

Another rifleman named Tim Murphy manages to get General Fraser and we see William rush to aid the General who is taken off the battlefield, effectively removing William as well.

The Continental’s advance as the British retreat to the Breymann’s Redoubt. Jamie goes over the wall, looking around for William, seeing Ian come over the wall in brutal Mohawk fashion cutting down men saving Jamie’s life. Jamie sees the British flag coming down and then looks out to see the title card’s horse with the boot go by. It is Arnold’s boot.

In the medical tent, Claire is tending to Arnold who has taken a shot in the same location as before. She offers him laudanum but he doesn’t want it. Apparently, General Gray doesn’t like Arnold and denies him advancement and due recognition. Claire agrees with Arnold.

Later, Jamie tells her she spoke true. Jamie confesses to nearly shooting William. The process of surrender is going on.

A British soldier appears under a flag of truce. General Simon Fraser is dying and wishes to see Jamie (after learning about his presence). Jamie agrees and both he and Claire go to General Fraser’s tent.

British Camp 1777

Claire leans close and then tells Jamie he doesn’t have long. Jamie goes to Simon holding his hand. They greet each other and Simon calls him Son of Brian. They reminisce about last seeing each other when they were boys. Simon is content to have kin with him and his comrades.

Claire leaves the tent and runs into William again. She is sorry for his loss. I believe she means the loss of General Fraser but William wonders if she means the battle. She tells him war is a terrible business no matter if you win or lose.

Jamie comes out of the tent, leaving the flaps opened to allow Simon’s spirit to leave. Claire tells him about William’s presence.

Another officer approaches and comments about William’s missing hat. William says, “Some rebel whoreson shot it off my head.” Jamie comes forward offering his own hat saying he owes him one. William is stunned but Jamie gives the hat and walks off. 

As they walk off, Claire asks why he did that. Jamie tells her that he’s come close to shooting William twice, once the day he was born (remember he shot the 8th Earl who was going to throw William out the window) and then just that day. If he doesn’t miss a third time, he should try to speak to him as a man just in case it’s his only chance.

The officer calls William captain and tells him to put on his hat. William goes to close the flap but the officer tells him what Jamie said about letting the soul exit.

Continental Camp 1777

The next morning, Jamie tells Claire the terms of surrender mean the men can’t fight in the war again which means William can’t. General Gates comes to speak with Jamie about a term to the surrender. General Burgoyne’s last condition was that General Fraser’s body be taken to Scotland. Jamie is willing and tells Claire they are leaving the war and going to Scotland. Jamie looks so happy!

Later, Ian breaks the news to Rachel and asks her to watch over Rollo. She’s willing because she knows it means he will return. She lets him know she will likely be at Valley Forge.

Scotland 1980

Roger, Bree, Mandy, and Buck all go to Craigh na Dun. Bree and Roger say their goodbyes and Roger assures her he will bring Jem home. Buck and Roger move towards the large stone and then go back.


Rachel is walking alone when Rollo approaches a man. It’s Arch Bug and he compliments her hound. She tells him she’s only watching over him for a friend. He tells her, “Yer friend must love you very much to entrust you with his dog. I hope he’ll return to you soon.” Sinister old goat!

The next scene is a ship sailing and down below Jamie is seasick but not willing to walk around looking like a porcupine. A bell rings and then, “Land ho!” They all head top deck and watch as Scotland comes into view. Ian seems pleased too. Jamie is next to tears.

Seeing Scotland come into view knowing Jamie is seeing the home he never thought he’d see again is just so emotional. Brought me to tears.

This half season has been so great. I’m sad to say we won’t have the second half of this season until next year. No date has been set but keep your eyes here because once I know, I’ll post.