BTS: 606 The World Turned Upside Down

Caitriona wore three different wigs over the course of filming this episode, which conveyed the passage of time before and after her hair was chopped off by Mrs. Bug and Malva.

I’m a little disappointed we haven’t gotten to see Mrs. Bug more especially since, I believe, she’s going to come up (or is supposed to) later.

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Recap: 603 Temperance

Fergus worries about his new son’s quality of life when the baby is bullied by superstitious Protestants. Claire performs surgery on Tom’s hand.

This recap is exactly that… a recap of the episode so do not read it unless you want to be spoiled or have seen the episode.

Overall, fantastic episode. We have some different actors/characters really shining this week. Fergus has a scene that made me weep. Marsali’s reactions to Fergus in this episode are perfection and Roger… I have told other fans this: When you first meet Roger you kind of like him but he gets worse before he gets better.

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Recap: 602 Allegiance

Jamie struggles with his first request as Indian Agent. Roger presides over an unusual funeral. Marsali gives birth. However, the joy is short lived when a discovery is made.

How did you all like Allegiance? I thought over all it was a good episode. It did seem a little disjointed to me but as I recap let’s see where I stand. Also, feel free to come by and rate the episode in our poll. The great thing about this episode, from a book readers perspective, is that much of the dialogue is actually from the book.

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