Recap: 506 Better to Marry than Burn

At Jocasta’s wedding, Jamie learns Tryon’s true motivation for ending the Regulator threat.
Scotland 1746
A coach is racing across the countryside when it is stopped by English dragoons. A man exists and explains they are fleeing the area of Culloden. His wife and daughter are required to leave the coach and we realize his wife is Jocasta. The dragoons are charged with checking all coaches by the Duke of Cumberland. One dragoon search inside but finds nothing and they are told they can move on. As the daughter (Morna) goes back to get in the coach she steps in mud and the dragoon leans down to assist her finding a chest of French gold under the coach. Jocasta seems surprised by the gold. Hector pulls a gun and the coachmen does as well shooting the lead dragoon. Hector’s shot goes astray and kills Morna. Hector Cameron forces Jocasta back into the coach as they flee.